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June 3, 2008 Election Results 2 July 7, 2008 <br />Current City Council Policy <br />Section 600 of the City Charter allows the City Council, by ordinance, to consolidate the <br />General Municipal election with the statewide direct primary or statewide general <br />election. <br />Previous City Council Action(s) <br />On July 5, 2005, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2005-008 consolidating the <br />General Municipal Election for the City of San Leandro with the Statewide Primary <br />Election held on June 6, 2006. Section 2 of the ordinance provided for future <br />consolidation of the General Municipal Election of the City of San Leandro with the <br />Statewide Primary Election to be conducted the first Tuesday after the first Monday in <br />June of each even-numbered year. <br />On January 22, 2008 the City Council adopted Resolution 2008-008, requesting that the <br />Alameda County Board of Supervisors permit the consolidation of the General Municipal <br />Election for the City of San Leandro with the Statewide Primary Election to be held on <br />June 3, 2008, and direct the Alameda County ROV to provide the necessary services to <br />conduct the election. <br />City Council Committee Review and Action <br />N/A <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />N/A <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted <br />N/A <br />Environmental Review <br />N/A <br />Code Compliance Review <br />N/A <br />Board/Commission Findings <br />N/A <br />Summary Of Public Outreach Efforts <br />Election notices were published pursuant to the California Elections Code. <br />Fiscal Impact <br />The cost of conducting the election is anticipated to be much higher than originally <br />projected, in large part due to the increased use of paper ballots to meet the legal <br />requirement for avoter-verifiable paper audit trail, as well as the requirements imposed <br />by the Secretary of State in the conditional certification of the County's voting system. <br />