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filed by August in order to meet the November election calendar deadlines; due to the Council <br />meeting calendar, a decision to proceed would need to occur by the last meeting in July. Below are <br />the concepts for consideration: <br />Utility Users Tax (UUT <br />The committee is recommending the City Council place the City's Utility Users Tax (UUT) before <br />the voters to update certain elements of the ordinance, address legal concerns and to lower the UUT <br />rate for telecommunications from 6% to 5.7%. The UUT was originally adopted in 1987 and <br />imposes a rate of 6% on telephone, electrical, gas and video (cable TV) service. Revenues <br />generated by the UUT on an annual basis total approximately $10.1 million. It has been amended <br />several times, the most recent update taking place in 2004. <br />Due to technological changes in the telecommunication industry, as well as significant legal <br />challenges to the Federal Excise Tax (FET), this revenue source has been placed at a risk. <br />Therefore, it is recommended that the City update its UUT for both technological development and <br />to eliminate reference to the FET as a basis for applying the City's UUT for telephone services. <br />This update will include new areas such as private communications services, voice mail, paging, <br />text messaging and II'-TV or IP-Video. If approved, the reduction will allow the <br />Telecommunication UUT to remain revenue neutral, while also including some technologies which <br />are currently not included in the ordinance. This would also ensure the revenue source to remain in <br />place into the future. <br />91 1 FPP <br />The committee is recommending the City Council place the City's 911 Fee measure before the <br />voters for purposes of language clarification; changing the language to establish it as a "special tax." <br />In order to ensure and improve the performance of the City's 911 communication system, the City <br />imposed a fee, referred to as the "911 Fee" in 2004. If the proposed change to the ordinance does <br />not pass (by 2/3 votes), the existing fee ordinance would still remain in effect and collection would <br />continue pending recent litigation. Therefore, if approved, it becomes "revenue neutral" -meaning <br />that no new revenue would be generated. However, should it pass, the City's revenue from this <br />source would continue in the future. In summary, passage of this measure would secure a financial <br />resource for the future. <br />Police Services Parcel Tax <br />The committee is recommending the City Council consider placing a Police Services Parcel Tax <br />before the voters as an enhancement to the City's revenue sources. The Police Department has <br />identified both ongoing and new programs (e.g., additional officers for patrol, schools and crime <br />prevention) that the parcel tax revenue would support; uses of this new revenue source would be <br />linked to the Police Department Strategic Plan. If approved by the voters, the tax would not be <br />collected until the following year commencing with the 2009-2010 fiscal year. It is suggested the <br />parcel tax have a four (4) year sunset clause. <br />A public safety parcel tax measure was placed before the voters in 2004 and failed. Placing a police <br />services measure on the November 2008 ballot may have some support due to recent discussions by <br />the community related to crime, as well as several community-based neighborhood safety groups <br />