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SECTION V <br />PRESIDING OFFICER <br />PRESIDING OFFICER <br />The Mayor shall be the Presiding Officer at all meetings of the Council. In the absence <br />of the Mayor, the Vice Mayor shall preside. In the absence of the Mayor and the Vice <br />Mayor, the Council shall elect a temporary presiding officer to serve until the arrival of <br />the Mayor or the Vice Mayor or until adjournment. <br />GALL TO ORDER <br />The meeting of the Council shall be called to order by the Mayor or in his/her absence by <br />the Vice Mayor. In the absence of both the Mayor and the Vice Mayor, the meeting shall <br />be called to order by the City Clerk, whereupon the City Clerk shall immediately call for <br />the selection of a temporary Presiding Officer. <br />PARTICIPATION BY PRESIDING OFFICER <br />The Presiding Officer may move, second, and debate from the Chair, subject only to such <br />limitations of debate as are imposed on all Council Members, and he/she shall not be <br />deprived of any of the rights and privileges of a Council Member by reason of his/her <br />acting as Presiding Officer. However, the Presiding Officer is primarily responsible for <br />the conduct of the meeting. If he/she desires to personally engage in extended debate on <br />questions before the Council, he/she should consider turning the Chair over to another <br />member. <br />QUESTION TO BE STATED <br />The Presiding Officer shall orally restate each question immediately prior to call for the <br />vote. Following the vote, the Mayor or City Clerk shall announce whether the question <br />carried or was defeated for the benefit of the audience. <br />MAINTENANCE OF ORDER <br />The Mayor or Presiding Officer is responsible for the maintenance of order and decorum <br />at all times. No Council person, staff or member of the audience is allowed to speak who <br />has not first been recognized by the Chair. All questions and remarks shall be addressed <br />to the Chair. <br />The Mayor or Presiding Officer shall ensure that he/she, as well as the balance of <br />Council, refrains from commenting or entering into conversation with speakers during <br />Public Comments or during Public Hearings, until all speakers have been heard. <br />V-1 <br />