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WSL & Joint RACs <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />for the continuation of the Joint RAC and the existing members have served since that time. <br />Currently, the Joint RAC has 8 active members of the originally appointed 16. <br />The primary function of the Joint RAC was to put into action the Redevelopment Plan by <br />working with staff to create a Five Year Implementation Plan. The Joint RAC assisted Agency <br />staff in the creation of the 2004 Implementation Plan which was then adopted by the <br />Redevelopment Agency. The Joint RAC, through the Implementation Plan, created the <br />framework for the following projects and programs: <br />Expansion of the Marina Auto Mall <br />• The Redevelopment of the Islander Motel <br />• The Implementation of East. 14th Street South Area Strategy <br />Zoning Coded changes with the Project Area <br />• The Assembly use overlay <br />The creation of the Commercial Rehabilitation program <br />West San Leandro/MacArthurBou1evard <br />In order to assist Redevelopment Agency staff in the creation of the WSL Redevelopment Plan, <br />the City Council appointed a Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) in November of 1996. This <br />Committee consisted of stakeholders within and around the redevelopment study area including <br />property owners, bankers, brokers and others with development expertise. In May of 1998, the <br />CAC recommended that the Redevelopment Agency proceed with the formation of the WSL <br />Redevelopment Project Area. Additionally, the CAC provided input to staff on the <br />Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area which included the main objective of eliminating <br />blight through a program of business retention, expansion, and attraction that builds on the <br />area's strengths and diversifies the City's economic base. After presenting this <br />recommendation to the City Council, the CAC was dissolved. The Redevelopment Plan was <br />adopted in June 1999. <br />The WSL RAC was formed in December 1998 as a 15 member ad hoc committee comprised six <br />of business owners, six property owners and three adjacent project area residents elected by the <br />business and property owners, and adjacent residents in the WSL Project Area. Several <br />members of the original ad hoc committee were elected to the RAC. For the first two three year <br />RAC terms, 1999-2001 and 2002-2004, the members of the RAC were selected through amail- <br />in election process. When the second term expired in December 2004, the Council approved <br />extending the term of existing members who wished to continue to serve. Currently, the WSL <br />RAC has 10 active members of the originally appointed 15. <br />While the CAC's role was to assist in the creation of the WSL Redevelopment Plan, the RAC's <br />purpose was to provide input on policy matters which deal with the implementation of a <br />Redevelopment Plan. More specifically, the RAC worked with staff to create the Five Year <br />Implementation Plans which were adopted by the Redevelopment Agency in 1999 and 2004. <br />The Implementation Plans, which are required by State Law, adopt specific goals and objectives <br />including projects and programs that improve or alleviate the conditions of blight within the <br />project area. The creation of the Implementation Plans was crucial in guiding redevelopment <br />activities and directing resources to best execute the Redevelopment Plan. <br />