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Income/Ex eases (actual) <br />Beginning Fund Balance -July 1, 2007 Year-to-Date <br />INCOME <br />Allocation $45,592.14 <br />Income from Assessments $0.00 <br />Interest on Investments $0.00 <br />Other Income $0.00 <br />Sub Total -Sources of Funds $45,592.14 <br />Sub Total -Available Funds $45,592.14 <br /> <br />EXPENSES <br />Ma'or Re air Program $0.00 <br />Preventative Maintenance Pro ram $3,183.12 <br />Special Projects $0.00 <br />Administration $0.00 <br />Sub Total - Ex eases $3,183.12 <br /> <br />End of Year Fund Balance -June 30, 2007 $42,409.02 <br />Budget Authority <br />Not Applicable <br />Attachments <br />None <br />CONCLUSION <br />Staff recommends approval of the annual report of the CHAD for Fiscal Year 2007-08. <br />K:AAA-C\COUNCIL~2008\7 JUL 21\GHAD 2007 08 REPORT MEM.doc <br />