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Ballot Measure Overview Report 3 July 21, 2008 <br />A public safety parcel tax measure was placed before the voters in 2004 and failed. Placing a police <br />services measure on the November 2008 ballot may have some support due to recent discussions by <br />the community related to crime, as well as several community-based neighborhood safety groups <br />having been created in the past six months. The community has on several occasions emphasized <br />the need for more emphasis on crime prevention, officers, and programs in the schools. <br />Sample Ballot Question Language <br />The following are samples of ballot language that could be used in the upcoming election, should <br />the Council decide to place any or all of the items on the November 2008 ballot. <br />Utility Users Tax (Telephone and Video Users Tax) <br />To help preserve San Leandro 's safety and quality of life, and maintain essential general fund <br />services such as police, fire, and street maintenance, shall an ordinance be adopted that reduces <br />the existing telephone users and video users tax from 6% to 5.7% and modernizes <br />telecommunications service definitions so taxpayers are treated the same regardless of <br />technology used and ratifies previous taxes collected under this ordinance. YES/NO <br />911 Fee <br />Shall the City of San Leandro rescind its existing Emergency Communications Access Fee <br />Ordinance, and enact an Emergency Communications Access Tax to fund enhanced 9-1-1 <br />emergency services to San Leandro residents, with no increase in rates? YES/NO <br />Police Services Parcel Tax <br />To help preserve San Leandro 's safety and quality of life and maintain essential police services, <br />shall a Police Services Parcel Tax be adopted by the voters of San Leandro for the purpose of <br />maintaining existing levels of service and to provide for enhanced services such as police <br />patrols, school services and crime prevention? YES/NO <br />These samples noted above are typical of ballot questions, however, they are presented to <br />Council for discussion purposes only; Council may wish to have additional sample ballot <br />questions prepared for its review. <br />Implementation <br />In order to place any one of the measures on the November 4, 2008 ballot, the Council must, by <br />resolution, call for submission of the question to registered voters, approve the form of the ballot <br />question and establish procedures for ballot arguments, and direct the City Clerk to submit the <br />measure to the City Attorney for impartial analysis. Staff recommends the Council appoint the <br />established Revenue Ad Hoc committee to author an argument in favor of the measure(s), if <br />directed. <br />