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Ballot Measure Overview Report 5 July 21, 2008 <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />Not applicable. <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted <br />Not required. <br />Environmental Review <br />Not required. <br />Code Compliance Review <br />Not required. <br />Board/Commission Findings <br />Not applicable. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />Not applicable at this time in the process. <br />Fiscal Impact <br />Placement of the proposed parcel tax, the 911 Fee and/or the UUT on the ballot is estimated to <br />cost $7,500 per measure. This additional 2008-09 cost will be funded from the City's General <br />Fund Undesignated Fund Balance. <br />Estimated revenue to be generated by the proposed Police Services Parcel Tax is $2.6 million in <br />fiscal year 2009-2010, and $2.6 million annually in consecutive fiscal years 2010-2014. <br />Revenue from each of the other proposed measures are estimated to be revenue neutral. <br />Budget Authority <br />Not applicable. <br />Attachments <br />Not applicable. <br />CONCLUSION <br />The Revenue Ad Hoc Committee of the City Council has worked diligently throughout the recent <br />months to explore revenue options, provide input to staff on the 2008-09 budget development <br />process, and make recommendations to the City Council on revenue enhancements. At the July 21, <br />2008 meeting, Council is being asked to discuss and consider three concepts which may be placed <br />on the November 2008 election; they include modernization and updating both the Utility Users <br />Tax and 911 fee language, and consideration of a Police Services Parcel Tax. Upon receiving City <br />Council direction, staff will begin the filing process and development of the ballot language for <br />consideration at the July 28, 2008 Council meeting. <br />