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2. Discussion Regarding Bicycle and Pedestrian Issues <br />Keith Cooke gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding Bicycle and Pedestrian Issues. He <br />discussed the San Leandro Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan 2004, project priorities, East Bay <br />Greenway and the Warm Springs BART vs. UPRR Oakland Subdivision Acquisition. Keith <br />explained that a lot of the funding for the projects comes from the Measure B funds. <br />Crossing at the Marina Community Center at Wicks Boulevard and crossing at Burkhart <br />were two areas of concern. He discussed safety and education and a crosswalk policy, <br />explaining that the best reason for a crosswalk is to channelize walkers or create an <br />expectation for pedestrians. But he stated that crosswalks create a false sense of security for <br />pedestrians. Pedestrians still need to look both ways before crossing the street. Enhancing <br />the crosswalks is costly at approximately $90,000. <br />Discussion ensued on other pedestrian projects, including the San Leandro Slough Bridge. <br />John Jermanis stated that Caltrans has not signed off on the project and that they keep <br />changing the standards. Staff is ready to go to bid, have funds and want to get the project <br />started. <br />Keith explained inter-relation of the Union City's Dumbarton Rail Project with the City's <br />other projects. He stated that the project has the potential to benefit San Leandro's <br />downtown TOD project through the acquisition of the UPRR Oakland subdivision and allows <br />for the implementation of the BART Bicycle Trail included in our Bicycle and Pedestrian <br />Plan. <br />Further discussion ensued. John Jermanis explained that this has been ongoing for last three <br />years. The county is interested in using the path for a bike trail and other projects. Union <br />City and Oakland would like to see UPRR abandoned and allow San Leandro to gain control. <br />The City of Hayward has their own agenda. What is important is for this area to be balanced <br />with the interests of everyone. <br />Keith explained that Urban Ecology looked at problems and challenges with the project. <br />They are looking into how to use BART right of way with fences because the railroad is still <br />in use. The area will also have to be looked at for space and beautification. There is a report <br />being created to delve into the issues of police, fire access, etc. and there are still obstacles to <br />overcome and evaluate. The concept plan will be out soon for review. One of the next steps <br />is an Environmental Review. Staff is looking for feedback from the committee to bring to <br />council. <br />Councilmember Starosiak stated that she would give her support. She feels that the project <br />would be a great asset for the environment, great commuting and recreational opportunities. <br />Mayor Santos agreed stated that agencies are trying to get more bike traffic out there. This <br />would be ideal for that. Councilmember Souza stated that she would definitely give her <br />support for a recreational opportunity. <br />