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Keith presented the Dumbarton Rail Project /Warm Springs BART extension. He explained <br />that the project extends the BART line another five miles to increase the length of the <br />system. Union City wants to make an intermodal station that connects with the Dumbarton <br />Rail Line, BART and Amtrak. Oakland's subdivision passes right next to their BART station <br />so they are facing an acquisition challenge. The Dumbarton funds would be used to acquire <br />the Oakland subdivision. <br />Discussion ensued. Mayor Santos commented that the Warm Springs extension is ACTIA's <br />number one project. All of the funding is going into the project and it's going to move <br />forward. Councilmember Starosiak commented that the CMA is funding, as well. Keith <br />explained that the Dumbarton Rail Project and the Union City Intermodal Project are <br />competing for these funds. <br />Uche Udemezue explained that in order for the Union City Intermodal Project to get the <br />portion of the Oakland subdivision that benefits it, they would need to acquire the whole line. <br />The Union Pacific Railroad is only interested in selling the subdivision as a whole. For the <br />acquisition to happen, however, all jurisdictions that abut the subdivision have to agree to <br />participate in the process. There is interest in the intermodal station for a number of reasons. <br />It makes property acquisition possible, opens options for greenways, and funding for trail <br />projects is available. The right of way is huge, with a large area of land which can be <br />developed. <br />Councilmember Santos asked if the goal is to have all agencies to come to an agreement and <br />then subdivisions would be assigned later. Uche explained that Warm Springs and the <br />Dumbarton Rail Intermodal project are competing for the same money. The MTC wants to <br />divert some of the Intermodal Project dedicated funds to the Warm Springs project and <br />Mayor Green is against it. He feels that the individual benefits to a few number of cities, <br />which San Leandro is one of, outweighs the regional benefit of the Warm Springs extension. <br />Mayor Green needs the support of these cities with a vested interest and feels that we need to <br />vote where our interest is. A statement ought to be made, although MTC can override it. <br />The committee members agreed that they generally support Mayor Green's position on this <br />matter, but would like more clarification on the issues. <br />3. Discussion Regarding Street Reconstruction Options <br />Ken Joseph gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding Street Reconstruction Options and <br />presented paving challenges in San Leandro. He presented asphalt conversion and <br />stabilization options. <br />Brief discussion ensued. Mayor Santos asked if there is less coating used for the asphalt. <br />Ken stated that there is a far less amount of coating used, but there are still unknowns. This <br />will be an educational process. They will take off a surface and put it back in. It will keep <br />the traffic flowing. <br />