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Shoreline CAC 3 Tune 18, 2008 <br />Mayor Santos, at the June 10, 2008 Committee meeting, announced that the Shoreline CAC <br />Selection Committee would be made up of: Mayor Santos, Councilmember Starosciak, Assistant <br />City Manager Steve Hollister, and Business Development Manager Cynthia Battenberg. <br />Shoreline CAC Topics <br />The meetings for the Shoreline CAC have not yet been set, but will likely begin in October and <br />occur on Wednesday evenings and one or two Saturdays at the Marina Inn. The following are <br />likely topics of discussion: <br />Introductions and sharing of individual's interest in the project <br />• Overview of the Shoreline Enterprise Fund, past development efforts, and challenges <br />of the boat harbor <br />• Review of the process to date, including the environmental report and public opinion <br />poll results <br />• Site visit and discussion of potential development pads, access points, connections <br />and constraints <br />• Review of traffic and access issues <br />• CAC ideas for development <br />• Discussion of master plan concepts <br />• Review of market assessment reports and discussion of financial feasibility <br />Proposed Timeline <br />Date Action <br />June 24 Shoreline Committee approve CAC's mission statement and selection <br />process <br />July 7 Shoreline Committee recommendation reported out to City Council <br />July 11 Release Shoreline CAC application and begin outreach <br />August 29 Applications due <br />September 23 Selection Committee recommendation to Shoreline Committee <br />October 6 Shoreline Committee recommendation to City Council <br />October 22 First Shoreline CAC meeting <br />CONCLUSION <br />A Shoreline CAC will provide staff and the development team with the valuable and necessary <br />public input needed to ensure a financially feasible development concept which serves the needs <br />of the community. Staff requests feedback and recommends the Shoreline-Marina Committee <br />approve the mission statement and proposed process and timeline for creation of the Shoreline <br />CAC. <br />C:\Documents and Settings\cbattenberg\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Fifes\Content.Outlook\OP4TLLR3\ProcessShorefineCommittee6-24- <br />08.doc <br />