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Reso 2008-083
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2008-083
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7/24/2008 9:45:47 AM
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7/24/2008 9:45:47 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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8E Consent 2008 0721
\City Clerk\City Council\Agenda Packets\2008\Packet 2008 0721
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San Leandro Investment Policy Statement Page 5 of 13 <br />U.S. Treasury Bills, Notes and Bonds or those for which the full faith and credit of the United <br />States is pledged for the payment of principal and interest. <br />The State of California Local Agency Investment Fund (LATE). The City may deposit up to $40 <br />million in each City/Agency account. <br />Banker's Acceptances with maturities no longer than 180 days. No more than 30% of idle funds <br />maybe invested in the banker's acceptances of a single bank. The bank must have an "A" or prime <br />rating from Moody's Investor's Services (Moody's) or Standard and Poor's (S&P). The total <br />investment in banker's acceptances may not exceed 40% of idle funds. <br />Commercial Paper having a "prime quality" rating by S&P (A-1) and Moody's (P-1) issued by any <br />domestic corporation having assets in excess of $500 million and a minimum rating of "AA" for its <br />debt other than commercial paper. Maturities of individual commercial paper securities cannot <br />exceed 270 days or represent more than 10% of the issuer's outstanding commercial paper. No <br />more than 25% of the portfolio can be invested in commercial paper. <br />Medium-Term Corporate Notes with a maximum maturity of five years and issued by <br />corporations organized and operating in the United States or by depository institutions licensed by <br />the United States, any state or operating within the United States. Securities issued by corporations <br />must be rated "AA" or better by S&P and Moody's. Purchases may not exceed 30% of idle funds at <br />the time of purchase. <br />Repurchase Agreements that comply with statutory requirements having a term of one year or <br />less, supported by a master repurchase agreement with the bank or dealer, and fully collateralized <br />by delivery to a third-party custodian. Holdings cannot exceed 20% of idle funds. <br />Reverse Repurchase Agreements that comply with statutory requirements and are fully <br />collateralized by delivery to a third-party custodian. The maximum term for reverse repurchase <br />agreements is 92 days. The proceeds of reverse repurchase transactions must be invested in <br />securities having maturities shorter than or equal to the term of the underlying agreement. Reverse <br />repurchase agreements cannot exceed 20% of idle funds. <br />Passbook Savings Accounts in the form of insured or collateralized time deposits. If collateral is <br />U.S. government securities, the market value must be at least 110% of the deposit. Promissory <br />notes secured by first mortgages or trust deeds used as collateral require a market value of at least <br />150% of the amount deposited. <br />Mutual Funds consisting of investment securities permitted under Sections 53601 and 53635 of <br />the California Government Code. To be eligible for City investments, companies providing mutual <br />funds shall have either or both of the following: <br />L The highest rating provided by not less than two of the three largest nationally recognized <br />rating services. <br />
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