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AGENDA Page 4 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting July 28, 2008 <br />• Resolution Establishing November 4, 2008, as the Date for a Municipal Election <br />on a Proposed Ballot Measure Seeking Voter Authorization for the City's <br />Emergency Communication System Access Tax for Enhanced 911 Services; and <br />Repealing the City's Existing Emergency Communication System Access Fee <br />Ordinance, Establishing Policies and Procedures in Connection with Such an <br />Election, and Requesting that the Alameda County Chief Elections Officer <br />Conduct Such an Election (proposes a measure to rescind the City's current <br />Emergency Communication Access Fee Ordinance, update certain elements of the <br />ordinance and address legal concerns, and authorizes the Revenue Ad Hoc <br />Committee of the City Council to prepare an argument and a rebuttal argument in <br />favor of the measure). Estimated Cost: $7,500. (1055/3142) <br />Adopt <br />• Resolution Establishing November 4, 2008, as the Date for an Election on a <br />Proposed Ballot Measure Seeking Voter Approval Relating to the Implementation <br />of a Police Services Parcel Tax, Establishing the Policies and Procedures for Such <br />an Election and Requesting that the County of Alameda Conduct Such an Election <br />(proposes a measure to generate approximately $2.6 million in revenue to sustain <br />the current level of police services, and authorizes the Revenue Ad Hoc <br />Committee of the City Council to prepare an argument and a rebuttal argument in <br />favor of the measure). Estimated Cost: $7,500. (1055/3142) <br />Adopt <br />3. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Public Comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker, subject to adjustment by the Mayor. <br />When you address the City Council, you should fill out a speaker card and submit it to the <br />City Clerk so the order of speakers may be determined and an official record of names and <br />addresses obtained. The public is invited to make comments on items of public interest NOT <br />listed on the Agenda. <br />4. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />5. ADJOURN <br />