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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2008 - <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENT TO ALAMEDA COUNTY WASTE <br />MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT <br />WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro is a member of the Alameda County Waste <br />Management Authority (ACWMA), created pursuant to the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement <br />(JPA) for Waste Management dated February 13, 1990, as amended from time to time thereafter; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the ACWMA Board has recommended that the ACWMA's member agencies <br />approve an amendment to the JPA to simplify voting procedures for the ACWMA Board; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of San Leandro has considered the following <br />amendment to section 7.d of the JPA for Waste Management. The text below shows text to be <br />inserted in bold italics and text to be deleted in ~. <br />d. Vote Required <br />A two-thirds majority of the authorized vote shall be required for expenditures of $500,000 <br />or more. Except as provided elsewhere in this Agreement, a majority of the authorized <br />vote shall be required for all other actions. t h~dep~en-c~~-~-re~~t~en-c~~Tdin~ce~ <br />--rr-... - - _--___.._--~ r------r----~-- --- ~- ~-----------a ~_ _....__.~ .. _~_ .,_ --a-..----- ----------~~ ~- <br />> > <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as <br />follows: <br />That said amendment is hereby approved and execution thereof is hereby authorized. <br />Introduced by Councilmember <br />of July, 2008, by the following called vote: <br />Members of the Council: <br />AYES: <br />and passed and adopted this 28th day <br />NOES: <br />ABSENT: <br />ATTEST: <br />Marian Handa, City Clerk <br />