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Utility User Tax 3 July 2$, 2008 <br />Proposition 218 and Earlier Updates to the UUT <br />Aware of these developing issues the City of San Leandro updated the Telephone Users Tax <br />section of its UUT in 2004 to recognize technological developments and to insulate the City's <br />ordinance from any possible repeal of the FET. However, these changes were made at the City <br />Council level and were not presented to the voters for approval. Lawsuits challenging the right <br />of local taxing authorities to amend their ordinances, given theses types of changes, without <br />voter approval are now pending against several California cities. Should these cases go against <br />the Cities, then San Leandro's UUT updates made in 2004 maybe at risk. <br />Potential Solution <br />Given the legal challenges noted above many California cities have decided that the best course <br />of action is to take a modern UUT (for telecommunications) to the voters and allow them to <br />decide. Since the UUT is a general tax a majority vote is required to adopt or amend the tax. <br />This is opposed to a two thirds majority which is required for special taxes. <br />This approach, if approved by the voters, removes any legal threat to an important City revenue <br />source, protects the City's ability to continue to deliver critical city services and imposes the tax <br />fairly across all communication technologies. <br />It should be noted that if the measure were to fail, then the existing ordinance would continue in <br />effect, subject to the various legal and technological issues discussed earlier. <br />Summary of Proposed Amendment to the City's ITUT <br />The proposed amendment to the City's ordinance, which is attached for Council's review, would <br />add Chapter 2-17 "Communication Users' Tax". This new section would supersede Section 2-4- <br />200 Telephone Users Tax and Section 2-4-216, Video Users Tax of the City's existing UUT. <br />The following is a summary of the proposed ordinance: <br />• The City's UUT ordinance for Gas and Electricity remains unchanged (6%) and is not <br />being placed on the ballot. <br />• If the new ordinance fails, then the current UUT ordinance continues in place. <br />• The proposed ordinance includes a modern, functional definition of telecommunications <br />and video services that is technology neutral, treating taxpayers the same regardless of <br />the technology used, e.g. voice over internet, (Vo1P), IP-TV and private communication <br />services. <br />• Does not tax internet services such as digital downloads, (e.g. ringtones, games, music, <br />books, etc.) <br />• Does not change exemptions for low-income senior citizens and disabled persons. <br />• Reduces the current UUT rate on Telephone and Video Users' from 6% to 5.7%. <br />