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Pike Avenue is more particularly described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto, and made <br />part hereof. <br />Reserving and excepting therefrom, until such time as all utilities are relocated <br />outside the area proposed to be reserved and excepted, easements and rights-of--way to <br />construct, maintain, operate, replace, remove, renew and enlarge sanitary sewers, storm <br />drains and pubic utility services now existing in said area, including all necessary and <br />convenient appurtenant structures and incidental purposes thereto, including access. Said <br />area of easements and rights-of--way is described in Exhibit "B", attached hereto, and <br />made a part hereof. <br />Said vacation shall not become effective until Coca Cola Bottling Company <br />completes the storm drainage and street improvements required by the City Engineer and <br />said improvements are approved and accepted by the City Engineer. <br />Introduced by Council Member Pol vorosa on this 2nd day of <br />September, 1997, and passed to print by the following called vote: <br />Members of the Council: <br />Ayes: Council Members Galvan, Glaze, Loeffler, Lothrop, Polvorosa, Young; <br />Mayor Corbett (7) <br />Noes: None (0 ) <br />Absent: None (0) <br />Attest ' <br />C~AYLE TERSEN, City Clerk <br />