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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION N0.2008-098 (1055/3142) <br />A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING NOVEMBER 4, 2008 AS THE DATE FOR <br />A MUNICIPAL ELECTION ON A PROPOSED BALLOT MEASURE <br />SEEKING VOTER AUTHORIZATION FOR THE CITY'S EMERGENCY <br />COMMUNICATION SYSTEM ACCESS TAX FOR ENHANCED 911 <br />SERVICES; AND REPEALING THE CITY'S EXISTING EMERGENCY <br />COMMUNICATION SYSTEM ACCESS FEE ORDINANCE, <br />ESTABLISHING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES IN CONNECTION WITH <br />SUCH AN ELECTION, AND REQUESTING THAT THE ALAMEDA <br />COUNTY CHIEF ELECTIONS OFFICER CONDUCT SUCH AN ELECTION <br />WHEREAS, in 2004, the City Council of the City of San Leandro approved the <br />imposition of a Emergency Communication System Access Fee, codified as Chapter 2-16 of the <br />San Leandro Municipal Code (the "911 Fee"), to ensure and improve the performance of the <br />City's 911 communication system; and <br />WHEREAS, it was determined that the fee was the most practical and equitable revenue <br />mechanism to finance the acquisition and construction of equipment, software, and facilities and <br />other resources that are needed to provide an adequate and reliable 911 communication system; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, to ensure legal compliance and to keep pace with technological changes <br />over the years in the telecommunication industry the City Council has determined that it is in the <br />best interest of the residents of the City to place a ballot measure before the voters of the City of <br />San Leandro to adopt a substantially similar Emergency Communication System Access Tax <br />("911 Tax"), with no increase in rate and, if adopted, repeal the current 911 Fee Ordinance; and <br />WHEREAS, California Constitution Article XIIIC, Section 2, provides that no local <br />government may enact a special tax unless and until that tax is submitted to the electorate and <br />approved by atwo-thirds (2/3) vote: and <br />WHEREAS, at a public hearing held on July 28, 2008, the City Council heard public <br />testimony from the voters regarding the proposed 911 tax measure; and <br />WHEREAS, the tax to be submitted to the voters, if approved, would be imposed on <br />subscribers of telephone service in the incorporated area of the City. The base tax rate schedule, <br />as fully set forth in the attached Ordinance, shall be adjusted by the same percentage as the <br />change in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers ("CPI-W") <br />for the San Francisco Bay Area published by the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The tax shall <br />be approved if the measure receives at least atwo-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the electorate; <br />and <br />