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SEC.2-18-205 Findings. <br />A. The 911 communication system provides immediate access to emergency <br />services for telephone subscribers. The life saving importance of an up to date and <br />modernized emergency response system was acknowledged by the federal September 11 <br />Commission in its investigation finding that deficiencies that existed resulted in impaired <br />response. Subscribers to telephone service derive significant benefit from ongoing operation <br />of the modernized integrated system installed at the San Leandro Police Department and <br />Alameda County Fire Department. Telephone subscribers will benefit from operating, <br />maintaining, and upgrading the 911 communication system so it continues to operate at a <br />state-of--the-art level. A portion of the costs associated with operating, maintaining and <br />upgrading the 911 communications system and facility should be allocated among all <br />telephone subscribers because telephone subscribers will reap this significant benefit. <br />B. Every telephone access line can provide independent access to the 911 <br />communication system. Therefore, allocating operating costs on a per line basis fairly <br />distributes these costs according to the benefit telephone subscribers derive from availability <br />of a modernized 911 communication system. <br />C. The concentration of a large number of access lines in a single location <br />diminishes the marginal benefit of improved access provided by each additional access line; <br />therefore, it is appropriate to place a cap on the number of access lines per account per <br />service location on which the tax is charged. <br />D. Subscribers who maintain super trunk lines derive more benefit, in terms of <br />access to emergency communication service, from each telephone line than other subscribers <br />and should pay a higher tax. Based on information from the California Public Utilities <br />Commission and the Federal Communications Commission, the City Council fmds that, on <br />average, a super trunk line provides up to twenty (24) times the benefit provided by a single <br />access line, and a trunk line provides up to seven and a half (7 '/2) times the benefit provided <br />by a single access line. <br />E. The portion of operating costs reflecting the benefits estimated to be provided <br />by operation of the 911 communication system to telephone subscribers who are subject to <br />the tax ("Eligible Operating Costs") may be financed from Emergency Communication <br />System Access Tax revenues. The portion of operating costs reflecting the benefits estimated <br />to be provided by operation of the 911 communication system to telephone subscribers who <br />are exempted from the tax may not be financed from Emergency Communication System <br />Access Tax revenues. <br />SEC. 2-18-210 Imposition of Emergency Communication System Access Tax. <br />A. There is hereby imposed an Emergency Communication System Access Tax <br />on every person who maintains access to the 911 communication system by subscribing to <br />local telephone service within the City of San Leandro. For purposes of this Chapter, with <br />5 <br />