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FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING <br />AIRPORT GATEWAY-DOOLITTLE DRIVE STREETSCAPE <br />CONSTRUCTION PROJECT <br />REVISED EXHIBIT B <br />Construction Costs Table Airport Gateway-Doolittle Drive Improvements <br />September 25, 2006 <br />ITEM . .................__....-.-.....____..................................... <br />-__~._......__._.__~__.___._..._____~.__ --._--.--___..-., ........._.,-..._..,...........,---._....__-.,.,.__-'-..._._.,.. AMO..__,.-..-.--, <br />__.._..........-.____~ _._.-_..UNT _, <br />____~ <br />i Mobilization <br />__.. - j $ --97,518 <br />Water Pollution Control - 10 000 <br />~ Temporary Concrete Wash-Out Facility - <br />__ _~ ~ _ -_5,000 <br />_.. _ <br />Traffic_Control System and_Construcfion Area Signs <br />_... - --- _ _ _ ; _ - 60 000 <br />-- - . _ . _.._ .1 <br />,Pedestrian Access 1,000 <br />i Demolition Saw-Cutting Excavation & Off Haul <br />-- -- - --- --- - - - - -- - - -- - 326 300 u <br />-- ---- --- _ __ r - _ _ <br />i Grading & Drainage Systems ~ <br />-- - 75,000 <br /> <br />-_ _ - --- <br />i Adjust Manholes ' 6,000 <br />I Convert SD in MH <br />F__ ............._..__._..--------.... _._..__........._....---__ -_--....._._._.._...._..__......__._.._-__----- ~ 9,000 <br />-----.__._....._..___......._........-___.1._.._..._...-----_........._...____-__-..-.., <br />Site Electric 1. 180,000 <br />i Asphalt Pavin~._-....._...-._.........._.._.__........__- _.____--._..-....._ ..................._.__...._....__ __ <br />~._._._ _ - - ---. _._..................._.._...........1.........-___..-102~600._..,.................i <br />G....Stripin.g...and Si.9n_a.9g___.........---.._.--- ___._..... ............._..._..._.......-...-_. _. - - - _ ..__... _ _ - ..._.. ------..1 ---- _ - 85,000 _ - ..... <br />1. Concrete Curb <br />& <br />G <br />tter .____ _.._._...--._.........----._._........._.._ - - <br />.............._._................_._..-.-- -..._.._..__.___.___.__.-...-.......__..._.....~.........__......_.__..._.46,196,_,._ ............: <br />_ <br />_ u <br />_ <br />j....Concrete Curb at Medians <br />...~.............._..-------_...-....._.__....._._....-...._-...._.............._..-- -___... <br />62,130.._..._.__..! <br />.....__...___---..............................-._..._-i._--_-_---......._. <br />,Concrete Sidewalk <br />--_._ ................__.._........................._.................._-.__....._......_..........._. 55,51,0 <br />~ <br />....._.....------..........._....................._........~........._____...._.. <br />;..Concrete Dnveway -------- 11 <br />-...- -. _- _ - -----~-- _ ..... 76 357 _._I <br />Concrete Band at Median 4,095 <br />_ <br />ds at Gateway Monument Plaza <br />Precast Concrete Ba <br />-- - --- _ <br />-i <br />_T _-__ 3,780 ' <br />_.... _ 1 _ __. ._-- _ __-- -.~ <br />n <br />Concrete at Gatewa <br />Monuments <br />Stamped <br />Y ~ 9,098 <br />~ <br />, <br />_ <br />-- -.___.. _ <br />i Cobble Paving_at Median <br />F--- - - -____ __.._... _._.. -_ _ ---- - --..._~ . „_ „-_ _ <br />-.~ .- ...-~__.._ <br />~ 20,020 <br />...___ - - - --------...__t- _ -....._-_ -_- ----..._.___t <br />Gatewa Monuments <br />~__. y _ _ _ _- - ._ .._ _ __ .____~_ 164,000 <br />- - __ _ - _ 1 -. _. _ ._- <br />I. Chain Link Fence at Gatewa -Monuments <br />, <br />_ _ ----__ _ .._..-_ Y - - ~ - _. _ -, __._ .._ . _ <br />- -~ _ 4,000 <br />~~ - _ - _ __ ----- -------- - - -- --- <br />_- <br />- <br />F_Decomposed Granite_at Median - _ - _ _ - - 2,289 - _- - <br />l..-Header ! _ _ ...._.. 13 500 <br />ImportTopsoil _ ______- __-____--- _. .. ._ __ _. __._...-179800 __ ._.. <br />- <br /> <br />Fine Grading <br />l i <br />24,350 j <br />-- <br />_ -_ - -_ __ - _. _-- _.._ <br />~ ,Automatic Irrigation _ .. <br />,, 180,000 __ <br />Plant 24" Box Trees 28,275 <br />Plant 5 Gallon Trees 29,904 <br />s Plant 1 Gallon Trees 7,650 <br />....Bark Mulch .-._.....-. <br />._..........._.....-._..._............__......--._._ ................- <br />- <br />- ............................._-_ __ __- ---.....................9,506-.._....._..........j <br />. <br />ment <br />~ and aintenance <br />~ 180 Day_Plant Establish <br />_._....._-M <br />I - .. -_- -- T_ _-_ ._ _ - _ : _ ___ _ 10,000 I <br />___ -__ __ - _ - ___- .._ - -_ ., <br />i Si nal Relocation <br />._ .... 9 - _ ......_ _ . _...... - _ ...... -_ _._ _ . -..- _ _ 150,000 i <br />....Paint Existing Electroliers __._........._.._..__._.........- ................................._--..._-._.-....__.._..__ _--.....__.................................._. ,75,,000............._...._ <br />__ _ . ; <br />Additional LandscaPi-!?.9..-_._.-._- <br />f,.....----------_ ..... -........ _ _. _.._..__ __... _ ~ ._-- - -- 76,830 _-_-_ ~ <br />;....Remove-and Replace_Chain Link-Fence....._ ..............._............_-___.................. ............_._.-._._.-...---------.........__-_............._..-.-66,500.......................1 <br />C -- - --- - <br />~ Total Estimated Pro'ect Cost <br />-_---- a _ _ --- --- -. - - - - <br />$2,685,305 <br />- ---_ - - _- _ ! <br />f 12 % Contingency ___- - -- -- -- -- _ _ 322,237 <br />_Total Estimated Project Cost Including Continency _ ................._...__.__. -__ .._..___~..._..___.$3,007,.542_-_--___i <br />