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8F Consent 2008 0902
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2008 0902
8F Consent 2008 0902
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8/29/2008 9:14:12 AM
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8/29/2008 9:14:12 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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withheld from the SURETY for liquidated damages or unsatisfactory progress by the ORIGINAL <br />CONTRACTOR, SURETY or its nominee which SURETY designates as its completion contractor. <br />4. Surety to Procure Completion of Contract. Surety shall be responsible for procuring the <br />completion of the remaining work under the Contract ("Remaining Work"). The Remaining Work is set forth <br />on the punch list attached as Exhibit A., to wit: the punch lists shown on the correspondence from the <br />Obligee to Krama dated February 16, 2007 Surety shall procure the performance of the Remaining Work <br />through one or more Completing Contractors (the "Completing Contractor(s)") which Surety shall <br />engage. Surety is acting as a Performance Bond Surety and not a Contractor. Surety shall have the sole <br />discretion to choose the Completing Contractor(s). Said Completing Contractor(s) shall be properly <br />licensed for the work to be performed. The Surety reserves its right to tender a completion contractor to <br />the City for completion of the Remaining Work at a fixed price. <br />5. Obligations under the Contract. Except to the extent provided in this Agreement, Obligee <br />retains any and all claims and rights against Krama, Inc, pertaining to the work on this project. As to the <br />continued work on this project, Obligee and Surety's respective rights and obligations are set forth within <br />the Performance Bond and this agreement. To the extent that extra or change order work was authorized <br />prior to the termination of Krama, Surety will perform that specified work. However, Surety is not obligated <br />to perform any other additional work which the Obligee may request. Surety and its Completing <br />Contractor(s) acknowledge that time is of the essence in this Agreement and in the Contract. <br />6. Schedule for Completion of Contract and New Completion Date. Surety, through its <br />Completing Contractor(s), shall advise the Obligee of a schedule for the completion of the Remaining <br />Work, which schedule shall be approved by Obligee ("Schedule"). To the extent reasonably feasible, <br />considering all of the existent circumstances, the balance of the Remaining Work shall be accomplished on <br />that Schedule. Further, Obligee agrees to grant to Surety the full benefit of whatever extensions of time <br />and other associated relief, including for excusable delays, pursuant to the Contract. Failure to <br />reasonably, considering all of the existent circumstances, comply with the Schedule will result in <br />termination of the Contract. Surety reserves the right to request additional extensions of time and does not <br />waive its right to time extensions. <br />7. Completing Contractors. Each Completing Contractor shall be a Contractor to Surety and <br />no contractual relationship pursuant to this Agreement shall exist between Obligee and any Completing <br />Contractor, Each Completing Contractor shall provide all insurance required under the Contract, but shall <br />not be required to provide payment andlor performance bonds, unless requested to do so by Surety. <br />Surety reserves the right to terminate its contract with a Completing Contractor at any time, subject to <br />seven (7) business days' prior written notice to Obligee, and to contract with another Completing <br />Contractor. Routine day-to-day operations and decisions as to the manner of performance of the Contract <br />shall be made by the Completing Contractor(s), subject to the terms and conditions of the Contract. The <br />work shall be subject to inspection and acceptance by the Obligee, as provided in the Contract. All <br />communications concerning matters of contract administration of the Contract (i.e., contractual or other <br />notices required bylaw, payments, change orders, extensions of time, delays, claims, among other <br />matters) shall be communicated to a Completing Contractor only in writing, with a copy forwarded to Surety <br />and Obligee on a current basis as provided in this Agreement. <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />
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