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NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are <br />hereby acknowledged, the Parties to this Agreement agree as follows: <br />ARTICLE 1 <br />LOAN PROVISIONS <br />1.1 The Loan <br />(a) Loan Terms. <br />(1) Loan Amount. Agency agrees to lend to Borrower, and Borrower agrees <br />to borrow from and repay to Agency, the Loan in an amount not to exceed Five Hundred Fifty-Nine <br />Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($559,200). The Loan shall be evidenced by the Promissory Note which <br />shall be dated as of the Effective Date and executed by Borrower substantially in the form attached hereto <br />as Exhibit B. <br />(2) Loan Interest. Commencing on the date of initial disbursement of the <br />proceeds of the Loan and continuing through the date that all indebtedness and other amounts payable <br />under this Agreement and the Note are paid in full, interest on the Loan shall accrue at the rate of six <br />percent (6°10) per annum on the outstanding and unpaid principal. <br />(b) Maturity Date. The maturity date of the Loan is contingent upon Comcore's ability <br />to obtain an extension of the Comcore Option. Based upon the foregoing, the Loan shall mature as follows: <br />(1) In the event Comcore is able to obtain the five-year extension of the <br />Comcore Option, the Loan will mature on November 30, 2013, provided that Borrower provides Agency <br />with written notification of said Option Extension no later than September 30, 2010, <br />(2) In the event Comcore is unable to obtain an extension of the Comcore <br />Option, the Loan shall mature on November 30, 2010. <br />(c) Repayment. Consistent with Section 1.1(b), repayment of the Loan shall be <br />determined by the maturity date of the Loan. Accordingly, the Loan shall be repaid as follows: <br />(1) November 30 2010 Maturity Date. Provided that Borrower is not in <br />default under any of the Loan Documents, Borrower shall make interest only monthly installment payments <br />in the amount of Two Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety-Six Dollars ($2,796.00) beginning November 1, <br />2008 through October 1, 2010. On or before November 30, 2010, all remaining accrued and outstanding <br />and unpaid principal and interest shall be paid in full. <br />(2) November 30, 2013 Maturity ..Date. Provided that Borrower is not in <br />default under any of the Loan Documents, Borrower shall make interest only monthly installment payments <br />in the amount of Two Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety-Six Dollars ($2,796.00) beginning November 1, <br />2008 through November 1, 2013. On or before November 30, 2013, all remaining accrued and outstanding <br />and unpaid principal and interest shall be paid in full. <br />1113396.3 ~ <br />