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from the right-of-way unless otherwise approved in the Encroachment Permit and <br />Outdoor Facility Permit. <br />d. At the end of each business day, establishments are required to clean the area in and <br />around the outdoor dining area. No debris shall be swept, washed, or blown in to the <br />sidewalk, gutter, or street. <br />e. If applicable, plants shall be properly maintained. Dying or dead plants shall be <br />promptly replaced. <br />f. All plans and permits for the outdoor dining area approved by the City shall be kept on <br />premises for inspection at all times when the establishment is open for business. <br />g. Upon termination of the Encroachment Permit or Outdoor Facility Permit, the permittee <br />shall immediately remove the barriers around the outdoor dining area, return the <br />sidewalk to its original condition, and remove all personal property, furnishings, and <br />equipment from the sidewalk. <br />III. ENFORCEMENT <br />a. Notice of violation of the Outdoor Dining Standards Operation shall be made in writing <br />to the permittee by any Community Development or Engineering and Transportation <br />employee of the City of San Leandro. The permittee shall immediately cure the violation <br />upon receipt of the notice. If the violation is not cured within ten (10) days after <br />issuance of the notice to the permittee, the City of San Leandro may revoke the <br />Encroachment Permit and/or Outdoor Facility Permit. <br />b. The City of San Leandro retains the right to revoke. an Encroachment Permit or Outdoor <br />Facility Permit upon thirty (30) days ..notice, regardless of compliance with these <br />provisions. <br />