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MINUTES Page 6 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-July 28, 2008 <br />E. Resolution No. 2008-096, Resolution Opposing State Budget Decisions that Would <br />"Borrow" Local Government, Redevelopment and Transportation Funds (adopts <br />resolution as recommended by the League of California Cities). (1123) <br />Public Comments on Item 2.E.: <br />Lou FiGpovich, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commented that <br />he would like to see in writing how the City will benefit from this action. Mr. <br />Filipovich commented that the people with whom he associates have no idea how to <br />effect change in local government, and the City is leaving too many people out of the <br />picture. <br />End of Public Comments on Item 2.E. <br />Councilmember Starosciak commented that the concept of the State borrowing local <br />government revenues is not yet off the table, and the City needs to send a strong <br />message to the State that this is not the time to "borrow" local government revenues. <br />Councilmember Grant recalled that the passage of Proposition lA in 2004 was <br />supposed to prevent this from happening. Councilmember Starosciak commented that <br />there was a hardship clause written into Prop lA so that, in the event of a fiscal <br />emergency, the State could borrow from local governments for up to three years if they <br />implemented a plan for repayment. <br />M/S/C Starosciak and Stephens. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br />The City Council recessed from 8:22 p.m. to 8:31 p.m. <br />F. Matter of Consideration of Placing Measures on the November 4, 2008 Election <br />Ballot. <br />Mr. Jermanis gave background on the item. City Attorney Williams stated that she <br />provided information in the Council's meeting folders regarding the status of the <br />litigation pertaining to the 911 Fee. Interim Finance Director Perry Carter gave a short <br />PowerPoint presentation, summarizing the three potential ballot measures-the <br />modernization of the Utility Users' Tax, 911 Tax, and Police Services Parcel Tax--for <br />the Council's consideration for placement on the November election ballot. Mr. <br />Jermanis requested direction from the Council regarding which of the measures they <br />would like to consider for placement on the ballot. <br />Councilmember Grant stated that she would like to move forward with all three <br />measures; however, she added that she would like to have discussion about the <br />alternative rates suggested by staff, noting that to the voter, paying $60 vs. $48 may be <br />significant. Mr. Jermanis commented that, based on the discussion regarding what <br />