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determination or the basis for such dispute. After receiving such determination notice, <br />Siemens must demonstrate to the City that the Work has proceeded to the milestone indicated <br />in the certified invoice giving rise to the dispute or that any disputed certified invoice is <br />correct. Siemens shall not be entitled to payment of the amount so invoiced and disputed <br />except upon resolution of the dispute in accordance with this subsection. In the event that <br />upon resolution of any such dispute it is determined that Siemens was properly entitled to the <br />disputed amount as of a date earlier than the date on which payment is actually made, <br />Siemens shall be entitled promptly to receive such disputed amount together with interest at a <br />rate of 12% per annum. <br />WORK BY SIEMENS. <br />51 Siemens will perform the Work expressly described in this Agreement <br />and in any work release documents or change orders that are issued under this Agreement <br />and signed by both Parties. The Work performed by Siemens shall be conducted in a manner <br />consistent with the Standard of Care. <br />5.2 Siemens shall perform the Work, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 <br />p.m. inclusive, excluding City holidays, unless otherwise agreed herein. The City shall make <br />the Site available in order for Work to proceed in an efficient manner. <br />5.3 Siemens is not required to conduct safety, reacceptance or other tests, <br />install new devices or equipment or make modifications to any Equipment beyond the Scope <br />set forth in this Agreement. Any City request to change the Scope or the nature of the Work <br />must be in the form of a mutually agreed upon change order, effective only when executed <br />by the Parties. <br />5.4 Siemens shall be responsible for any portion of the Work performed <br />by any subcontractor of Siemens. Siemens shall not have any responsibility, duty or authority <br />to direct, supervise or oversee any contractor of the City or their work or to provide the <br />means, methods or sequence of their work or to stop their work. Siemens' work and/or <br />presence at the Site shall not relieve others of their responsibility to the City or to others. <br />5.5 Siemens warrants that: <br />(a) Unless otherwise agreed, all Equipment shall be new and of good <br />quality. Until one year from the Acceptance Date, the Work installed pursuant to this <br />Agreement will be free from defects in material and workmanship arising from normal use <br />and service; and <br />(b) Work found to be defective shall be replaced with new materials. <br />5.6 Warranty Limitation. <br />(a) The limited warranties will be void as to, and shall not apply to, any <br />Equipment (i) repaired, altered or improperly installed by any person other than Siemens or <br />its authorized representative; (ii) subjected to unreasonable or improper use or storage, used <br />beyond rated conditions, operated other than per Siemens' or the manufacturer's instructions, <br />WPCP Cogeneration 090808 -Page 11 of b0 <br />