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details shall show location, height, decorative features, and construction details <br />showing materials and finishes to be used for construction. The design shall match <br />or be similar to the soundwall design (i.e., capped pilasters, cornice on wall <br />sections) along the east side of San Leandro Boulevard near Thornton Avenue and <br />Williams Street. The required encroachment permit shall be obtained from the <br />City Engineering and Transportation Department. <br />C. At the discretion of the Community Development Director after completion of the <br />building, the Director may require an exterior design study of the east, south, and <br />west elevations to explore the possibility of painted graphics to lessen or soften <br />the appearance of the exterior wall planes. <br />D. Prior to issuance of building permit, ail on-site lighting plan including <br />specifications of lighting standards and photometric calculations shall be <br />submitted for review and approval of the Community Development Director and <br />the City Engineer. Said plan shall include but is not limited to the new exterior <br />lighting for the immediate area around the new building. On-site lighting shall be <br />high pressure sodium or other energy conserving lighting and shall be designed <br />and located so as to not interfere with traffic on adjacent streets and so as not to <br />shine on adjacent properties, details subject to the approval of the City Engineer <br />and the Community Development Director. <br />E. Prior to the issuance of building permits a final sign program shall be submitted <br />for review and approval. Any freestanding sign shall be a monument-style design <br />at the main driveway entry not exceeding six feet in height when measured from <br />the final grade of the sidewalk. The monument sign shall be located in the <br />landscaped setback. The monument sign shall not be closer than one-half times its <br />height from any right-of--way line or driveway. The monument sign shall not <br />obstruct sight distance, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The sign copy <br />shall be limited to identification only. No extraneous copy shall be permitted <br />including but not limited to repetitive copy or advertising. <br />F. Prior to the issuance of building permits the applicant shall meet with City of San <br />Leandro staff to discuss various options to include Green Building components in <br />the design of flee project. <br />IV. MITIGATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS <br />A. All mitigation measures indicated in the Mitigated Negative Declaration shall be <br />included and are hereby incorporated as Conditions of Approval. (They are listed <br />below as letters B. through Q.). Said mitigation measures are also listed in the <br />Mitigation Monitoring Plan and the Developer shall comply with and implement <br />all provisions of said Mitigation Monitoring Plan. <br />B. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicants shall submit a Grading Plan <br />accompaiued by Soils Engineering and Engineering Geology Reports, in accordance <br />with requirements of the City of San Leandro Municipal Code Title VII, Chapter 12. <br />Agreement to Conditions September 6, 2007 <br />PLN2007-00040 Page 5 of 16 <br />