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Southern California Chapter; and Sections 82, 84, 85 and 96 of the May 2006 edition of the <br />California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) Standard Specifications; the Special <br />Provisions (Technical Specifications); City Standard Plans (October 2007) adopted by the <br />City Engineer; the State Department of Industrial Relations general prevailing wage rates; <br />and the State Department of Transportation labor surcharge and equipment rental rates. <br />"Term" is a stipulated period of time starting on the Effective Date of this Agreement and <br />ending at the termination or expiration of this Agreement as set forth herein. <br />"Technology Improvement Measure" or "TIM" means the application of new technology <br />methods, devices, materials andlor software as installed or instituted by Siemens at the <br />Facilities for the purpose of improving the efficiency of the operation's activities, operational <br />costs and/or utility costs as described in the Scope of Work and Services, Exhibit A. <br />"Therm" is a measure of energy equal to 100,000 BTUs. <br />"Work" means collective labor, Equipment and Services to be performed by Siemens as <br />described in the Scope of Work and Services, Exhibit A. <br />"WPCP" means Water Pollution Control Plant. <br />WPCP Cogeneration 090808 -Page 3 of 60 <br />