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trends across the property portfolio. Discrete building systems included in the visual inspection <br />assessment and some typical components of those systems are listed below: <br />• Safety &Compliance--safety issues, fundamental ADA compliance and environmental, jurisdictional <br />requirements. <br />• Structural--structural integrity of walls, roof support, floor and foundation. <br />• Exterior Shell (or Closure) and Finishes--roofing and waterproofing, walls and wall surfaces, signage, <br />doors, glazing, moldings, trim, gutter systems, caulking and sealants, flashings, fascia and exterior <br />paintwork. <br />Interior Finishes--flooring (carpeting, VCT, terrazzo, tile), wall finishes (paint, wall covering), ceilings, <br />window coverings. <br />• Mechanical--HVAC equipment and controls, plumbing distribution, fixtures, DWV, drinking fountains, <br />water softeners, boilers, natural or LP gas supply. <br />• Electrical--main panel boards, sub panels, wiring and distribution, transformers, lighting, ancillary <br />systems (generators, UPS, transfer switching), system testing. <br />• Fire Protection--sprinkler systems, detection, notification and alarm, alarm panels, jurisdictional <br />compliance. <br />• Conveyance--elevators, escalators, moving sidewalks. <br />Roads, Lots &Grounds--parking lots, extended grounds, ponds, roadways, paths, fencing. <br />• Landscape--plant material, trees, handscape, annual color, chemical application, turf, irrigation. <br />• Pest Control--interior and exterior control of unwanted pests. <br />Scope of Services <br />Subject matter experts will inspect the site, building structure and building systems/equipment of the <br />facilities identified in Attachment A totaling approximately 381,239 square feet and will prepare a detailed <br />report indicating the general condition of these assets and the estimated cost of repair or replacement of <br />identified building components or equipment deficiencies. The inspection will cover all inspection <br />categories included in CH2M HILL'S Facilities Condition Assessment Program. <br />Safety related or other deficiencies that require immediate attention will be forwarded directly to the San <br />Leandro Facility Manager upon discovery for work assignment. <br />CH2M HILL understands the overall scope of work to be the following: <br />• Inspection <br />- Perform on-site physical inspection. <br />- Record, analyze and summarize inspection data and identify gaps. <br />- Photograph identified deficiencies for reference. <br />Reporting <br />- Provide inspection detail and summary. <br />- Provide cost detail and summary. <br />- Provide recommendations for remediation. <br />Consulting Services Agreement between September 2008 <br />City of San Leandro and CH2M HILL Page 16of 21 <br />