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Page 5 <br />4. The model results will be adjusted based on the Furness intersection adjustment <br />process together with similar manual adjustments previously made to other scenarios <br />for the many project driveways. <br />5. DA will pertorm traffic operations on the adjusted traffic volumes at all study <br />intersections for the new analysis using the SYNCHRO intersection level of service <br />software. The results will be reviewed with City staff before mitigations are <br />recommended at the impacted locations. <br />6. DA will prepare graphics, tables and text for incorporation into the traffic report. <br />7. DA will provide traffic results for input into air and noise analysis for the two new <br />scenarios. <br />8. DA will incorporate the new analysis into the DEIR. <br />The cost associated with the traffic analysis for Phase II expansion is $24,940. <br />Sub-Total 2 <br />The follow table summarizes the sub-total additional costs associated with the above- <br />described tasks: <br />Task Cost <br />NOP and Initial Study $4,535 <br />Draft EIR $47,665 <br />Final EIR and Documentation $13,070 <br />Meetings, Project Management, and ODCs $12,000 <br />Visual Simulations $5,692 <br />Health Risk Assessment $49,500 <br />Traffic Analysis $24,930 <br />Traffic Analysis for Phase II $24,940 <br />Sub-Total $182,332 <br />Combined with the sub-total described above, the total amount of this budget request is <br />$249,393. Our existing contracted budget is $487,614, bringing the total to $737,007. <br />We would appreciate authorization to proceed with these tasks and amend our existing <br />budget. If you have any questions regarding this request, I can be reached at <br />415.362.1500. <br />ours trul <br />Michael Kay <br />cc: File <br />i ~~ <br />