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8I Consent 2008 1006
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Packet 2008 1006
8I Consent 2008 1006
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10/3/2008 10:03:58 AM
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10/3/2008 10:03:58 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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KAISER EIR CSA AMENDMENT 2 October 6, 2008 <br />Preparation, which reflects the more complete project description, was released in August with a <br />30-day review period which concluded on September 10, 2008. <br />The proposed project would be located on a 65-acre site near I-880 and Marina Boulevard <br />(bounded generally by I-880, Marina Boulevard, Fairway Drive and Merced Street). Kaiser is <br />proposing up to 865,000 square feet of medical uses on the southern approximately 35 acres of <br />the site. The medical uses to be developed by Kaiser would include a 434,000-square foot, six- <br />story, 262-bed hospital; a 400,000-square foot, six-story hospital support building; a 35,000- <br />square foot central utility plant; a 20,000-square foot outdoor service yard; and parking necessary <br />to meet projected demand, estimated to be no more than 2,510 stalls. Parking facilities could <br />include surface parking and an additional 800-stall, five-story parking structure. ICI proposes to <br />develop the northern approximately 30 acres of the site with amixed-use project consisting of up <br />to 387,000 square feet of retail (consisting of large format stores, multi-tenant retail uses, <br />restaurants, soft goods, and service-oriented retailers) and up to 250 one- and two-bedroom <br />apartments. <br />At this time, it is appropriate for the contract to be amended to include the amended project <br />information. Since the Contract Services Agreement and project scope was prepared in July of <br />2007, the project has required additional studies and a new budget has been prepared for those <br />studies. The studies relate to a fine-tuned traffic analysis, an analysis of potential cultural <br />resources, revisions to the vantage points for visual simulations and a health risk assessment. <br />The original budget was $487,614. The additional scope of services will be $249,393 for a total <br />of $737,007. Also, EIP is now known exclusively as PBS&J. <br />The proposed scope includes an analysis of an alternative that assumes the northern portion of <br />the site would be developed with retail only (as opposed to a mix of retail and residential). This <br />is found on Page 3 of the revised scope under Draft EIR. <br />The original scope assumed that no potential historic resources were present in the project area. <br />Research conducted during the preparation of the Initial Study for the project determined that a <br />number of on-site buildings were constructed over 45 years ago. The Northwest Information <br />Center at Sonoma State recommended that these buildings be evaluated for their potential as <br />historic resources. To comply with this recommendation, PBS&J will conduct an historic <br />resource investigation for the proposed project. The investigation will include additional <br />background research, a field survey and the preparation of an Historic Resources Survey Report. <br />Additionally, Dowling Associates (DA), the transportation sub-consultant for the project has <br />been requested to expand their original scope of work to assist the project proponents. DA staff <br />will conduct an analysis to determine the fair share costs for the improvements proposed at the I- <br />880 /Marina Boulevard interchange. The analysis will include the addition of trip generation for <br />the project into the 2030 model and select link analysis to determine project contribution. The <br />results will include tables showing percent project trips using the interchange and trips for San <br />Leandro and the region will also be identified. DA will also conduct an analysis of the existing <br />Wells Fargo Driveway at the Reynolds & Brown property and will include analysis of an <br />additional intersection (San Leandro/Marina Blvd.) that was not included in their original scope. <br />For visual simulations, the original scope included the creation of four visual simulations. The <br />selection of viewpoints and the necessary fieldwork has been completed when it was determined <br />
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