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AMENDED SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />r <br />An employee-owned company <br />September 11, 2008 <br />Ms. Kathleen Livermore, AICP <br />Planning Manager <br />City of San Leandro <br />Community Development Department <br />835 East 14th Street <br />San Leandro, CA 94577 <br />Via Email <br />Subj: Marina Point Mixed-use Development/Kaiser Medical Center EIR Budget <br />Augment Request <br />Dear Ms. Livermore: <br />This letter is in response to a request from the City of San Leandro to expand our scope and <br />budget for the Marina Point Mixed-use Development/Kaiser Medical Center EIR to include <br />additional traffic work, an analysis of potential cultural resources, a health risk assessment, <br />and revisions to the vantage points for visual simulations. This letter also includes a <br />summary of the additional scope and budget needed to fully evaluate the development of a <br />Kaiser Medical Center on the project site. For your convenience, a subtotal of the costs <br />associated with Marina Point and Kaiser portions is provided. <br />Marina Point <br />Evaluation of Potential Historic Resources (also applies to Kaiser Medical Center) <br />Our original scope assumed that no potential historic resources were present in the project <br />area. Research conducted during the preparation of the Initial Study for the project <br />determined that a number of on site buildings were constructed over 45 years ago. The <br />Northwest Information Center at Sonoma State recommended that these buildings be <br />evaluated for their potential as historic resources. <br />To comply with this recommendation, PB513J will conduct an historic resource investigation <br />for the proposed project. The investigation will include additional background research, a <br />field survey, and the preparation of an Historic Resources Survey Report. The report will <br />include a brief historical background, a physical description and photographs of the <br />buildings, and an evaluation of the buildings as a complex to determine if it is eligible for <br />listing on the National Register of Historic Places and the California Register of Historical <br />Resources. If the building is determined eligible, an evaluation of potential impacts that <br />could result from the proposed project will be completed. Department of Parks and <br />Recreation Primary Record (DPR 523a) and Building, Structure, and Object Reports (DPR <br />523b) forms will be completed for the complex and appended to the report. The results of <br />the above-described historic resource investigation will be summarized in the a Cultural <br />Resources Report for the project site. This scope and budget assumes a maximum of 10 <br />buildings will be recorded as a single complex. <br />Costs assodated with these additional tasks total $17,800. <br />Traffic Analysis Dowling Associates (DA), the transportation subconsultant for the project, <br />has been requested to expand their original scope of work to assist the project proponents. <br />DA staff will conduct an analysis to determine the fair share costs for the improvements <br />proposed at the I-880/Marina Boulevard interchange. The analysis will include the addition <br />353 Sacramento Street • Suite 1000 • San Francisco, CA 94111 • Telephone: 415.362.1500 • Fax: 415.362.1954 • <br /> <br />