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Green Update 3 October 6, 2008 <br />replacing three boilers with high efficiency (90+% efficiency) boilers. The City <br />originally had two 500 thousand BTU boilers (rated at 80% efficiency) that were <br />inadequate to heat the building. The next two phases of this project are scheduled to take <br />place over the next several years, subject to funding, and will contribute to greater energy <br />efficiency. <br />• Phase II (chillers) is scheduled to be completed in late FY 2008-09, pending funding. <br />• Phase III (heating/hot water supply) is anticipated for FY 2009-10, pending funding. <br />• There is a need, but currently no funding identified, to replace the City's controls system <br />software/hardware. Anew controls system, which could be expanded to include more <br />City buildings as funding becomes available, would improve energy efficiency. Such <br />systems could include lighting, which is not currently on a controls system, and would <br />save staff time by having the ability to make changes remotely via computer rather than <br />on site. <br />Fleet <br />• In June 2008, the City purchased a hybrid Chevrolet Malibu. The hybrid will replace an <br />existing pool car at City Hall. <br />• Currently, the Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) is using two electric cars that are <br />two person vehicles with flat beds for use like small trucks. <br />• Three vehicles have been retrofitted, and 23 additional vehicles will be retrofitted with <br />filters to eliminate diesel Particulate Matter (PM). This is part of the Particulate Matter <br />Retrofit program administered by the California Air Resources Board (GARB). <br />City Employees <br />• City staff is investigating ways that employees can decrease their employee "carbon <br />footprint" through waste reduction, paper conservation, carpooling, public transportation <br />use, and other programs. <br />• An employee survey was administered in August 2007 to gauge employee activities, <br />including commuter practices, use of disposable food containers and other items. <br />• The City Clerk is surveying City Council members regarding ways to reduce paper usage <br />in their weekly packets. <br />WATER <br />Recycled Water <br />• The City recently completed a $1.6 million project to use reclaimed water from San <br />Leandro's Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) for the majority of irrigation needs at <br />the Marina and Tony Lema Golf Courses at Monarch Bay. The reclaimed water system <br />provides roughly 95% of golf course irrigation needs with the remaining 5% (used on the <br />greens) drawn from EBMUD's drinking water sources. The new system will save 98 <br />million gallons a year in City demand for EBMUD water, which equates to roughly the <br />amount 600 households use in a year. More than 18 tons of COZ emissions will be saved <br />per year by this measure. <br />