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TCRA <br />Table 3 -Daily Shuttle Use <br />1008 Employee Transportation Survey <br />Average Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri <br />89% 89% 87% 93% 90% 88% <br />Consistent with the increase in people who ride the shuttle every day, more people say they ride <br />the shuttle in the morning and afternoon. In 2006, 60% rode both times. This proportion <br />increased to 62% in 2007, and is up to 68% this year. Twenty percent say they only ride in the <br />morning, and 12% say they only ride in the afternoon. <br />Mode Use with Shuttle <br />Shuttle riders are most likely to ride BART prior to getting on the shuttle, with two-thirds (68%) <br />reporting this prior mode. This is a significant increase from 2007. Eighteen percent ride AC <br />Transit, about the same as last year. The proportion who walk from home to the shuttle seems to <br />be steadily decreasing, which is consistent with findings about home location and BART use. <br />Table 4 shows which mode of transportation riders use to get to the shuttle. <br />Table 4 -Mode Just Prior to Shuttle <br />Prior Commute Mode 2006 2007 2008 <br />Ride BART 64% 59% 68% <br />Ride AC Transit 11% 20% 18% <br />Walk from home 19% 12% 7% <br />Walk from work 2% 6% 4% <br />Drive alone to LINKS stop 1 % 1 % - <br />Other 3% 2% 3% <br />Total 100% 100% 100% <br />Alternatives to LINKS <br />If the LINKS shuttle were not available, more than half (58%) would use AC Transit, either in <br />conjunction with BART or alone. Thirteen percent would start driving alone, and 1 % would get <br />Valerie Brock Consulting 5 June, 1008 <br />