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TCRA <br />Effects of Increased Ridership <br />1008 Employee Transportation Survey <br />Shuttle ridership has been steadily increasing during the years that LINKS has been in operation. <br />To determine whether the increase in passengers is affecting the rider experience, respondents <br />were asked how often the shuttle is too crowded to be comfortable. While half of the riders said <br />they never had that experience, 43% said the shuttle was too crowded to be comfortable at least <br />once or twice a week. A few commented that use of the small bus was the problem. Table 11 <br />shows the frequency of crowded shuttles. <br />Table 11-Shuttle Crowding <br />Frequency Percent <br />Never 49% <br />Once or twice a week 35% <br />Three to five times a week 6% <br />More than five times a week 2% <br />Not sure, ride infrequently 8% <br />Respondents were also asked how often the shuttle bus passed them because it was too full. Most <br />($4%) said this never happens. However, one out often (11%) say it happens at least once or <br />twice a week. Table 12 shows the frequency of riders being passed by. <br />Table 12 -Shuttle Passing Riders <br />Frequency Percent <br />Never 84% <br />Once or twice a week 6% <br />Three to five times a week 3% <br />More than five times a week 2% <br />Not sure, ride infrequently 5% <br />Most Important Feature of the LINKS Service <br />Further emphasizing the financial strain of many riders, nearly half of the respondents (44%) <br />said the most important aspect of the LINKS shuttle is that it is free. One-quarter (25%) say that <br />Valerie Brock Consulting 9 June, 2008 <br />