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Jan Leandro LINKS <br />1008 Shucde Rider Survey <br />San Leandro LINKS <br />2008 Shuttle Rider Survey <br />Executive Summary <br />• A total of 149 riders were surveyed on two days in the morning and afternoon. <br />• Two-thirds of shuttle riders work for employers in the BID and another 11 % work <br />locally, presumably for small employers in West San Leandro. <br />• 93% of riders use the shuttle to commute to work. <br />• 47% of shuttle riders live in San Leandro or Oakland. <br />• 89% ride the shuttle every day; 68% ride the shuttle in the morning and the afternoon. <br />• Most ride BART or AC Transit before using LINKS. <br />• If LINKS were unavailable, most would switch to AC Transit, but 13% would start <br />driving alone. <br />• 85% say that losing LINKS would present a financial hardship for them; 6% would be <br />unable to work at their current location. <br />• One-third of LINKS riders are low-income; another 9% are only one step above this <br />level. <br />• For the sixth consecutive year, riders are well-satisfied with the service; 92% rated the <br />LINKS shuttle good or excellent. <br />• As in previous years, driver courtesy is the strongest element of the service; the schedule <br />is the weakest element. <br />• About 43% of riders say the shuttle is too crowded to be comfortable at least once or <br />twice a week; 11 % say the shuttle passes them because it's full at least once or twice a <br />week. <br />• The fact that the shuttle is free is most important to riders, followed by the schedule and <br />frequency, and reliabilty. <br />• Three-quarters of BART riders live within 3 miles of their station of origin. They are <br />most likely to walk or take the bus to get to the BART station. <br />• Most BART riders have been using the shuttle for an average of two years. <br />Valerie Brock Consulting 1 June, 1008 <br />