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According to CMA procedure, it is possible to override dissenting homeowners with a <br />resolution for the City Council stating that a sound wall is in the best interest of said area. <br />Keith's asked the Committee if they would support such a resolution. Discussion ensued and <br />the Committee recommended that this issue be brought to the full City Council. <br />2. Discussion Regarding Estudillo-Callan Parking Garage <br />Ken Joseph gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Estudillo-Callan Parking Garage <br />including a history of the area surrounding the parking garage. He discussed the existing <br />garage components: number of parking spaces, pedestrian and automobile access, etc. Luke <br />Sims commented on the businesses in the area that currently use the garage for their <br />employee and business parking. - <br />Ken then discussed the issues and challenges of the current garage which was built in <br />accordance with 1970's structural standards, including its lack of compliance with current <br />ADA standards, insufficient parking spaces, and safety concerns due to lack of illumination <br />and narrow enclosed stairwells. He also discussed past studies dating back to 1996 done to <br />see what could be done to retrofit the garage. Although retrofitting may seem to be the less <br />expensive option, the contingencies involved could make retrofit more expensive in the long <br />run and a retrofit would not address other issues. <br />Luke Sims presented on the current downtown parking needs. The City is currently 16% <br />oversubscribed, but due to office vacancies and employee schedules parking can generally be <br />found. The change in how office space has been used over time has contributed to the need <br />for more parking spaces. He explained the TOD downtown parking strategy and stated that <br />this is a more efficient way to offer parking and promotes a pedestrian friendly environment. <br />The feedback he has gathered from the community about the issues of the current downtown <br />parking situation include lack of ADA access, safety of employees, the viability of the three <br />office buildings on the block and the beautification of the garage and plaza. <br />Ken described the design elements of the proposed new garage that included the demolition <br />of the existing garage and the construction of a new four level parking garage with a 400 <br />vehicle capacity and approximately 2000 square feet of commercial space on Estudillo <br />Avenue. An elevator with glass panels as well as open air stairwells will provide additional <br />security. There will be an emphasis on an architectural design that will match the <br />surrounding area. He also presented an improved traffic flow plan for the garage and the <br />streets surrounding it. <br />Ken presented some of the issues associated with building a new parking garage downtown. <br />Some of the adjacent structures share foundation with the current parking garage which may <br />pose a challenge during construction, 215 parking spaces will be unavailable for the eighteen <br />months of construction as well as noise, dust and construction traffic. He then presented a <br />construction schedule outline. <br />Discussion ensued. Councilmember Starosciak asked why if the study noted a need for 500 <br />parking spaces, this project provides only 400. Luke Sims and Ken Joseph explained that the <br />