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City Council Rules and Communications Committee <br />September 4, 2008 <br />Page 3 <br />Mr. Sims indicated that staff would develop some clearly defined roles and responsibilities, and <br />a selection process, for the consolidated RAC. <br />2. Continued Discussion Regarding School Representatives to the Recreation and Parks <br />Commission (RAPC) <br />The Committee reviewed the proposed ordinance amendments, and requested that they be sent <br />to the School Districts for their review. <br />Committee Member Stephens asked whether thought had been given to his suggestion that the <br />school athletic directors be appointed as the representatives to the Commission. Recreation and <br />Human Services Director Carolyn Knudtson commented that the Commission would likely not <br />receive the same commitment and participation from a District employee that it would from a <br />citizen volunteer. <br />Public Comments: <br />Linda Perry provided some of the background and history behind the School District <br />Representative positions, and she commented that the San Leandro Unified School District's <br />representative gives a monthly report to the District. She expressed concern that, under the <br />proposed amendment, the School Districts would be relinquishing their input into the process. <br />Ms. Knudtson commented on the School Districts' difficulty in complying with the current <br />requirement of providing the names of three nominees to the City. <br />Committee Member Stephens suggested amending the ordinance to require that the School <br />Districts recommend just one nominee, who would then be appointed by the Council. <br />Staff will redraft the amendments to the ordinance, changing the nomination process to require <br />that the School Districts provide the name of one nominee, who would then be appointed by the <br />City Council. The draft amendments will be forwarded to the School Districts for their review <br />and input. <br />3. Continued Discussion Regarding Policy for Naming/Renaming Facilities <br />Interim City Manager Steve Hollister provided background on this item and a summary of the <br />discussions to date. He reminded the Committee that a request has been made by the family of <br />former Mayor Valance Gill to name a facility after him. <br />The Committee reviewed the proposed amendment to the Administrative Code policy for <br />Naming/Renaming Facilities, and recommended that it be forwarded to the full Council for <br />adoption. <br />