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Proposed Ad Hoc RAC <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />staffing levels, and difficulty in filling the cuizent vacancies, are additional reasons staff is <br />recommending that the Rules and Communication Conunittee consider dissolving the RACs. <br />Composition of the Ad Hoc RAC <br />Currently, the Joint RAC has eight active members of the originally appointed 16 and the tiVSL <br />RAC has 10 active members of the originally appointed 15. Staff recommends that the Ad Hoc <br />RAC have nine members, with three members from each of the Redevelopment Project Areas. <br />The members should be made up stakeholders -one property owner, one business owner and one <br />resident who lives within 500 feet of the respective Area. Staff believes the proposed nine <br />member Ad Hoc RAC would be an effective number to manage and educate and that they would <br />provide valuable and representative input. <br />Responsibility of the Ad Hoc RAC <br />The responsibilities of an Ad Hoc RAC would be to provide input on large projects that would <br />benefit from activation of a temporary committee consisting of stakeholders and experts specific <br />to the proposed project. Staff envisions activation of an Ad Hoc RAC in 2009 to participate in <br />the development of the Five-Year Implementation Plan. They would meet approximately six <br />times over a six month period to provide input on the objectives and programs for each Project <br />Area. Housing objectives and policies would also be discussed. Following input and comments <br />on the draft Implementation Plan, a recommendation would be forwarded to the City Council, <br />and the Ad Hoc RAC would be dissolved. <br />Dissolving and Recognition of joint and WSL RACs Efforts <br />As the RACs were established by City Council and Redevelopment Agency resolution, the <br />Council and Agency would need to adopt a Resolution in order to dissolve the RACs and repeal <br />the original Resolutions that established them. Prior to one of the October 2008 City Council <br />meetings, staff recommends the Council host a reception in recognition of the Joint and WSL <br />RACs members significant volunteer time and effort. Resolutions to commend the individuals <br />would be prepared and presented to them at the reception. The resolutions to dissolve the RACs <br />could be handled at the same meeting. <br />CONCLUSION <br />Staff recommends the Rules and Communications Committee recommend dissolving the Joint <br />and WSL RACs with the understanding that Ad Hoc RACs will be activated in the future for <br />significant prof ects requiring valuable and necessary public input. <br />