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Advisory Commissioner be included in the CAC as the shoreline is an amenity used by <br />youth. Mayor Santos agreed that this is a good idea. <br />Manager Battenberg outlined the CAC schedule. On October 28 a recommendation would be <br />given to the Shoreline Marina Committee. On November 3 the recommended CAC would be <br />reported to the City Council. On November 17 the City Council would adopt a list of persons <br />to serve on the Shoreline Development CAC. <br />3. Public Comments <br />Wei-Ling Huber, President, Unite Here Local 2850, offered to give the City examples of <br />what is meant by Labor Peace. In general terms, Labor Peace would mean an agreement <br />between the developer and the labor union and the agreement between a business operator <br />and the union. These agreements insure that the workers do not take action against the <br />developer which avoids strife and project delays. She applauded the City in requiring living <br />wage provision in the ENRA and considering the inclusion of Labor Peace in it. <br />Michael Romulo, member of Unite Here and employed at the Oakland Airport, stated that the <br />labor union is good and provides fair wages for workers. <br />Allessandro Tinonga, Unite Here and employed in the catering field, urged the City to <br />include Labor Harmony in the ENRA. She added that living wages sometimes is not enough; <br />Labor Harmony is good and necessary, too. <br />Holly Bazeley, Unite Here, cited at one time one of the new owners of the Claremont Hotel <br />did not agree to have Labor Peace. It resulted in boycotting, striking, and loss of a lot of <br />revenue. <br />Gene Parghall, Union Shop Stewart and employee of the Oakland Coliseum Arena, <br />commented that he would like to see the developer and future businesses in the shoreline use <br />less non-profit labor and instead use union work. <br />Matt Maloon, Electrical Contractors Training and Union, stated that the community would <br />benefit from the agreement for requiring unionized labor. This project would also provide the <br />benefit of individuals having the opportunity to be trained at the electrical contractor school. <br />4. Committee Member Comments <br />Councilmember Prola thanked the audience for attending the meeting. He acknowledged that <br />Labor Peace is essential. He believes this would ensure development projects are constructed <br />on time and on schedule. <br />5. Adjourn -The meeting adjourned at 9:40 A.M. <br />