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2A Work Session 2008 1013
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Packet 2008 1013
2A Work Session 2008 1013
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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levels to maintain a satisfactory level in the Patrol Division. <br />In trying to determine the reductions that would need to be <br />made, we have focused on the severity of the types of crimes <br />investigated, rather than base staffing solely on crime rates <br />and statistics. The Criminal Investigation Division would cut <br />three detective and one detective sergeant positions. The <br />following is the staffing for a worst case scenario: <br />1. Elimination of both property crimes detective <br />positions. These two positions currently investigate <br />all residential, commercial, and auto burglaries in <br />the city. These detectives also conduct all of the auto <br />and cargo theft investigations and assist with arson <br />cases. One of the positions also works on a part time <br />basis with the Alameda County Auto Theft Task Force. <br />2. Elimination of the fraud/identity theft investigator <br />position. This position is currently responsible for <br />all of the financial related crimes that are conducted <br />in the city. This investigator is also currently working <br />part time in a regional identity theft task force. <br />3. Elimination of the sergeant position that is assigned <br />to terrorism, gang and special investigations. This <br />position also serves as the backup in homicide <br />cases, and assists with all officer involved shooting <br />investigations. <br />4. Elimination of all specialized training that is not <br />POST mandated for all investigators. <br />E. Traffic Division Best Case Scenario would add four officer <br />positions, one administrative assistant position to the Code <br />Compliance Section and one part-time animal control position. <br />The increase in officer positions is a result of community <br />input, internal assessment and a traffic study that was <br />conducted by UC Berkeley several years ago. The traffic <br />study looked at the volume of traffic in the city on a daily <br />basis in both the residential and commercial areas. The <br />following is a list of the staffing in a best case scenario: <br />1. Increase the number of motor officers from the <br />current authorized strength of six positions to eight. <br />We have been working at five motor officers for an <br />extended period of time. We would like to add two <br />DUI enforcement officer positions which would <br />work out of cars, and provide coverage during the <br />evening hours. We feel these increases would <br />satisfy the number stated in the traffic study as well <br />as enhance the overall traffic safety within the city. <br />This staffing level will also allow us to address more <br />of the complaints and concerns of the community <br />regarding traffic -related issues. Additionally, at this <br />personnel strength we would have the ability to <br />continue to provide additional traffic safety programs <br />such as pedestrian safety, bicycle rodeos, <br />commercial enforcement, car seat training, etc. <br />2. Increase the Code Compliance Section by adding <br />one full time administrative assistant who would <br />assist with the processing of information as well as <br />provide support at the traffic desk. This position <br />would also be responsible for alarm billing, special <br />event requests, and support for field inspectors. <br />3. Add one part-time position to the Animal Control <br />Unit, which would allow for more proactive follow <br />up on licensing issues. The unit does not answer <br />calls for service regarding cats currently; however <br />the increased staff would allow for them to handle <br />that function. <br />4. Equip traffic officers with five radar and five lidar <br />devices for deployment. The continued training of <br />all motor officers in basic & advanced accident <br />investigation, radar, lidar, and total station training <br />would also be implemented. <br />F. Worst Case Scenario for the Traffic Division would consist of <br />the elimination of most enforcement positions within the <br />division. These reductions would be necessary to have the <br />staffing at appropriate levels in the Patrol Division. The <br />following would be the staffing levels in the worst case <br />scenario: <br />1. Eliminate all sworn personnel from the division. <br />We would have no officers assigned to specialized <br />traffic enforcement. Injury accidents would be <br />responded to and investigated by members of the <br />Patrol Division. <br />. Eliminate the Animal Control Section. The removal <br />of deceased animals would be the responsibility of <br />the Public Works Department. Citizens with other <br />animal -related problems will need to contact <br />private agencies/businesses for assistance. <br />3. Reduce Code Compliance Section to one supervisor <br />and one community service officer. The unit will <br />have to prioritize response to calls for service. <br />4. Eliminate the crossing guard program. The schools <br />and/or parent groups will need to develop a <br />program that adequately addresses their needs. <br />5. Maintain part-time parking enforcement aides and <br />Redflex staff at their existing levels. <br />G. Best Case Scenario for the Support Services Division would <br />include the addition of staffing to each section within the <br />division to bring the units to an optimal level of efficiency. <br />15 <br />
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