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What is an <br />Organizational <br />A. It is a tool used to help an organization do a better job. <br />B. It is a systematic process through which members of an <br />organization agree on - and build commitment to- priorities <br />which are essential to fulfilling its mission and achieving its <br />desired future. <br />C. The strategies and priorities that are identified are choices <br />based on careful analysis of the past and the current state to <br />best meet its customers' needs, deliver high quality <br />services, and create a productive work environment. <br />a <br />A. Familiarize everyone with the strategic planning process. <br />B. Examine the need and reason for planning. <br />C. Allow everyone within the agency, especially the managers <br />and front line supervisors, to be involved in the process <br />since they are primarily responsible for ensuring that the <br />objectives are met. <br />D. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the organization <br />in an open and honest manner, so that the overall <br />performance can be improved. <br />E. Help to build a team spirit in terms of working together to <br />resolve issues facing the department and community. <br />=J 10 10 IJZFJ�- �! 1 =4-­� <br />A. The initial meeting was conducted with the entire <br />management staff of the department. It was determined <br />that the organizational assesment would encompass no <br />more than three years. It was also decided that we needed <br />to take a look at significant issues that we feel we will be <br />facing over the next three years to determine if we are <br />prepared to effectively handle them. This included our <br />evaluation of our current staffing levels, services provided, <br />calls for service, community expectations and crime rate. <br />m <br />B. Meetings for all departmental personnel, both sworn and <br />non -sworn, were held to solicit input in all areas of the <br />planning. At these meetings the ideas of the management <br />staff and community input was discussed with those in <br />attendance. <br />C. Community and business input was solicited in crime <br />prevention meetings, neighborhood watch meetings, <br />business mailers through the San Leandro Chamber of <br />Commerce, and other community functions. <br />D. The San Leandro Community Development staff was also <br />contacted and conducted a presentation on projects that <br />impact the city over the next three years. This meeting was <br />important to determine the possible impacts of growth on <br />increased calls for service and traffic concerns in the city. <br />City Council and <br />Police Department Goals <br />for 2008m2OO9 <br />A. We feel that all items listed in the City Council Vision <br />Statement are greatly impacted by the continued success <br />and development of our department. <br />B. The Council listed five specific goals relating to the <br />Police Department: <br />. Work with the community on safety concerns <br />. Increase the number of police officers <br />. Restore DARE Program; look for alternate fees <br />to pay for the program <br />. Capital Improvements: evaluate need for <br />new/enhanced building <br />. Restored community compliance <br />C. We feel that it is extremely important for the department to <br />provide a feeling of safety for the entire community in order <br />to successfully meet the Council's other goals. <br />9 <br />