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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />Description <br />The San Leandro City Hall located at 835 E. 14th Street was originally constructed in 1938. In <br />1962 the south wing was added. In circa 1995, the north wing was added and the existing <br />(1938 original & 1962 south wing) building was extensively remodeled. The major HVAC <br />systems were installed between 1992 and 1995 (The hot water boilers were replaced in 2007) <br />and are approaching the end of their service life <br />In March 2003, Taylor Engineering performed an HVAC Systems Analysis of City Hall and <br />developed the following three reports: <br />• Load Comparison Report <br />~ HVAC Systems Report <br />• Energy Report <br />The first HVAC Upgrade Phase, completed in 2007, replaced the hot water boilers. In this <br />Second Phase, the Consultant shall provide professional services for the design of a central <br />chilled water system to replace several individual refrigerant units currently providing cooling <br />loads to City Hall. The design services shall provide a complete functional system congruent <br />with the existing building limitations and in compliance with all applicable codes and <br />regulations. This Phase will also include the installation of equipment serving the mid section <br />and south wing of City Hall (installation of equipment serving the north wing will make up <br />the third Phase). <br />It is anticipated that chiller equipment and pumps will be located in City Hall basement <br />immediately below the council chambers and that the existing trash enclosure will be <br />expanded to house water cooling towers. Existing distribution ducting will remain generally <br />unchanged. Building envelope elements will remain unchanged. <br />Scope of Services <br />Task 1-Existing Conditions & Data Gathering <br />^ Acquire relevant existing documents, including architectural background and as-built <br />mechanical installations <br />^ Visit the site and take necessary measurements, digital photographs and field notes <br />^ Review locations and access to proposed equipment sites <br />^ Preliminary review of electrical requirements at each of the equipment sites <br />^ Prepare AutoCAD plan of existing layouts, including mechanical equipment locations <br />and electrical service (existing mechanical layouts will be confined to showing only the <br />Consulting Services Agreement between Project No.: 210-18-130 <br />City of San Leandro and Belden Consulting Engineers--Exhibit A Page 15 <br />