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Letter of Intent 2 October 15, 2008 <br />Concurrent with the adoption of the TOD Strategy, the City's Zoning Code was updated. The <br />current Zoning Code, Section 2-636, includes the following development requirements for the <br />Site: <br />• Ground floor retail on Washington Avenue <br />• Maximum residential density of 24 units per acre <br />• Maximum building height of 75 feet <br />• Maximum office density of 2.0 FAR <br />In July 2007, the Agency entered into exclusive negotiations with the second ranked company, <br />John Benjamin Company; Robert Caruso, Principal. Staff worked closely with the John <br />Benjamin Company on numerous development concepts and financial proformas and in June <br />2008, negotiations ended as a project with commercial on the ground floor of Washington <br />Avenue and a minimum of nine (9) residential units was found by the John Benjamin Company <br />to be not economically viable at the time. <br />The Agency has been contacted by the third-ranked company, Langon Homes, David Langon, <br />President, as they remain interested in developing the Site. Langon Homes has continued <br />developing in this challenging market with the completion of the nine residential unit <br />development, Toscani Place, on Davis Street and more recently, the six unit residential <br />development, Arbor Place, on Hays Street in downtown. Langon Homes is a quality developer <br />with a commitment to building green and a desire to continue to build in San Leandro. <br />Langon Homes' proposal included the development of nine residential units and approximately <br />3,340 square feet of retail/professional space. Although staff recognizes the challenges of <br />developing this Site given the current market, we recommend entering into aone-hundred and <br />twenty (120) day letter of intent to negotiate exclusively with Langon Homes. During this time, <br />Agency staff and Langon Homes will negotiate in good faith towards the preparation of a draft <br />Development and Disposition Agreement (DDA) which would then be presented to the Agency <br />Board for approval. <br />Current Redevelopment Agency Policy <br />The December 2007 Mid-Term Review of the San Leandro Redevelopment Agency 2004-09 <br />Implementation Plan identifies the development of 1595 Washington Avenue and 268 Parrott <br />Street as a project which will improve the economic health of the Joint Project Area and <br />encourage private investment. <br />Previous Redevelopment Agency Action(s) - N/A. <br />C~ CounciURedevelopment Agency Committee Review and Action <br />The Business Development Committee reviewed this item on September 11, 2008 and <br />recommended that staff bring it forward to the Agency for authorization. <br />Applicable General Plan Policy - N/A. <br />Permits andlor Variances Granted - N/A. <br />G:ADEPT10ffice of Business Development\Files RDA\Joint Project Area\1595 <br />Washington\I,angonHomes\LetterofIntentStaffReport 10-20-08. doc <br />