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Mayor Santos asked why ALCO Fire was not considering buying a building. Gilbert stated <br />purchasing a building would require selling bonds. Assistant Chief McKenna stated when <br />ALCO Fire considered building a new apparatus building the overall cost would have been <br />substantially higher than a leased building. Candace Fitzgerald, Alameda County CSA, stated <br />that there would be a purchasing option on the lease. <br />Councilmember Gregory clarified that ALCO Fire was down to the two locations presented and <br />based upon the cost, it appeared as though the city of Dublin's location would be chosen. <br />Councilmember Grant asked Gilbert what would be the City of San Leandro's share of the lease. <br />Gilbert stated that the City of San Leandro is required to share in the cost of 30,000 sq. ft. or <br />$107,000/year. Should ALCO Fire inherit more jurisdictions, the cost to the City of San Leandro <br />should decrease. Councilmember Gregory questioned the timing of the move and Gilbert <br />advised that the soonest this would happen would be next fiscal year or July 1, 2009. <br />Hollister stated that although he is disappointed he understands why the ALCO Fire must leave <br />City Hall. <br />Gilbert reassured the Committee that ALCO Fire's presence would remain the same. <br />Mayor Santos stated that the San Leandro Police Department has been considering moving to <br />another location because they are outgrowing their space and wondered if ALCO Fire would <br />consider moving into one complex with the Police Department. Gilbert stated he is willing to <br />discuss this issue with the Mayor and Interim City Manager. <br />Finance Committee approved forwarding information to Council. <br />3. Discussion Regarding Redevelopment Agency Financial Assistance for San Leandro <br />Unified School District 9rh Grade Campus Project <br />Prior to discussion, Councilmember Grant stepped away from the table as she is unable to <br />participate and Mayor Santos will chair the discussion. <br />Hollister reminded the Committee that prior to his retirement, former City Manager Jermanis <br />was in discussion with the San Leandro Unified School District regarding funding for the San <br />Leandro Unified School District 9th Grade Campus. The City's portion of the cost would be $2.3 <br />million, which would include assisting with the construction of a gym. Should the City choose <br />not to aid with the gym, the cost would be $600k. Hollister reminded the Committee that in the <br />past, the City assisted Washington Manor Middle School with the construction of their new gym <br />however that was a joint project with the School District and the State. <br />The San Leandro Redevelopment Agency had anticipated providing the School District with a <br />portion of the anticipated $50 million bond proceeds that they would be receiving. <br />Unfortunately, due to the poor economy, the RDA only received $25 million. Business <br />Development Manager Battenberg provided an overview of the Joint Project Area Five Year <br />Projections and the RDA's obligations. Battenberg also informed the Committee that she has <br />received news that the State may be taking at least 7.7% from the RDA, which will be given for <br />school funding. <br />3 <br />