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Hollister stated that past Council's have done a very good job with reserves however the past two <br />years economy has been poor. The measures on the November ballot also includes Measure TT - <br />Police Services Parcel Tax, which requires a 2/3 vote to pass and would potentially bring in $2.3 <br />million in revenue. <br />Mayor Santos stated should members of the Council wish to suggest new programs, research on <br />how the programs are to be funded must be completed. Councilmember Grant agreed. <br />Councilmember Grant questioned the need for the Ad Hoc Committee. Carter stated that the Ad <br />Hoc Committee was to assist in finding new revenue to the City and now is no longer needed. <br />All issues, suggestions, and recommendations could be brought before the Finance Committee. <br />The Finance Committee recommended ending the Budget Ad Hoc Committee <br />5. Committee Member Comments <br />Mayor Santos stated that items taken to the various Committees must be reviewed and limited to <br />the allotted l '/2 hour meeting time. . <br />Councilmember Gregory thanked Finance Director Carter and staff for their work. He also <br />stated that he understands ALCO Fire's need to consolidate and was very glad to hear Chief <br />Gilbert state that there will be no change in the presence. Also, Councilmember Gregory is glad <br />to know that the City and staff are doing all they can during these difficult times. <br />6. Public Comments <br />None <br />7. Adjourn <br />The meeting was adjourned at 10:02 a.m. <br />5 <br />