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CARD training program is designed to help agencies maintain an emergency plan and to ensure <br />that the agency is prepared to assist its clients during an emergency. Each agency is required to <br />have a representative attend four required training sessions over the two-year grant cycle. There <br />is no charge to the agency for the cost of this training. <br />F. Documents• <br />The following documents must accompany the application and be labeled as such: IRS 501(C) 3 <br />letter, most recent audit or financial statement, list of board of directors (include all names, titles, <br />city of residence, occupation, and term on board), organization's current budget, copy of <br />nondiscrimination policies, evidence of committed funding and reference articles supporting <br />need for program in San Leandro (include a maximum of two attachments). <br />G. Submittal Requirements: <br />All applicants must submit one original unstapled copy of the application. Provide 10 copies <br />of any flyers, pamphlets or brochures (optional.) Copies of the complete application packet will <br />be distributed to staff members and the Human Services Commission for review. Faxed or e- <br />mailed applications will not be accepted. <br />H. Early Submission of Proposal: <br />Applicants are urged to submit final proposals at least 5 working days before the final deadline. <br />This will allow Department staff to review the proposal far completeness and request additional <br />information in case of applicant error. While small omissions may be corrected before the <br />deadline, after the deadline incomplete proposals will be disqualified. <br />L Deadline for Receipt of the Anplication• <br />The Recreation and Human Services Department office must receive completed proposals by <br />Friday, January 4, 2008 by 5:00 p.m. Completed applications submitted on time will be <br />guaranteed consideration. Hand-delivery of the proposal is strongly encouraged. To obtain <br />assistance, call Joann Oliver at (510) 577-3463. <br />Submit the Proposal to: <br />Joann Oliver <br />Recreation and Human Services Department <br />City of San Leandro <br />835 East 14`h Street <br />San Leandro, CA 94577 <br />6 <br />