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Minutes 2008 1006
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Minutes 2008 1006
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MINUTES Page 14 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting~ctober 6, 2008 <br />Cathedral in Oakland. Councilmember Starosciak commented on the letter from the <br />Recreation and Parks Commission, recommending a ban on alcohol in City parks, and <br />expressed interest in pursuing the matter. There was consensus of the Council to do so. <br />Councilmember Prola commented on the October 25 BRIDGE Housing bus tour, and the <br />status report on ethnic diversity of employees. He expressed hope that the City would <br />perform outreach to underrepresented ethnic groups. <br />Vice Mayor Stephens was informed by a constituent that the Broadmoor neighborhood is 100 <br />years old this year. Vice Mayor Stephens suggested that the City consider some sort of <br />suitable recognition. <br />Councilmember Souza commented that she attended the In-N-Out Grand Opening, the <br />Sausage and Suds event, the Marina Mechanical 50~' year celebration, the Shoreline Cleanup, <br />and the LOCC Annual Conference. She reported that she was the voting delegate at the <br />Saturday session at the Conference, and she expressed disappointment at the defeat of a bylaw <br />change to provide the four caucuses with a vote on the Board. Councilmember Souza <br />commented that, while in Sacramento, she saw a sign on a parcel that read, "Development for <br />this site is being considered," and she suggested that the City might consider this type of <br />signage for the public's information. She reported that the green bins for clothing donations <br />that have appeared in town need to have a permit. Councilmember Souza recalled that the <br />plans for the competitive pool at the Aquatic Center had been previously requested, and she <br />asked that there be follow up on this request. Councilmember Souza commented that she <br />attended the services for former Recreation and Parks Commissioner Richmond "Dick" <br />Marshall. <br />Councilmember Gregory commented that the Shape Up San Leandro program is in place at <br />four sites. He applauded the swift action by the Police Department that he witnessed at the <br />end of the Sausage and Suds event. Councilmember Gregory reported that he attended the <br />LOCC Conference, and commented on the sessions dealing with guidelines for child friendly <br />neighborhoods and cities, California housing laws, and SB 375. Councilmember Gregory <br />commented that he and his wife attended the Girls, Inc. fundraiser, and remarked about the <br />large turnout. <br />Mayor Santos commented that he attended the George Mark Children's House fundraiser, the <br />Sausage and Suds event, and the LOCC Conference. While in Long Beach for the <br />Conference, four members of the Council visited the Cabrillo Marina in San Pedro, and <br />Mayor Santos expressed disappointment with the development of Cabrillo Beach. He <br />announced that the next Coffee with the Mayor session will be held at Bakers Square this <br />Thursday at 10:00 a.m. Mayor Santos announced that tonight's meeting would be adjourned <br />in memory of Gretchen Winkel, a former City employee, and Jean Francis Gaylord, a long- <br />time community activist. <br />
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