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Agmt 2008 Cal Coast Development LLC
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2008 Cal Coast Development LLC
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Last modified
10/23/2008 9:45:47 AM
Creation date
10/23/2008 9:39:23 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2008-133
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in good faith. City shall exercise such right by delivering not less than ten (10) business days’ <br />advance written notice to Developer describing the nature of Developer’s default and the <br />termination date. If Developer does not commence to cure the default and resume negotiations <br />in good faith within such ten (10) business day period, City may terminate this Agreement <br />effective as of the termination date stated in the notice. In the event of termination by the City <br />pursuant to this Section 5.2, the City shall have the right to retain the balance of the Deposit, and <br />subject to Section 5.4, neither Party shall have any further rights against or liability to the other <br />under this Agreement. <br /> <br /> 5.3 Termination by Developer. Developer shall have the right to terminate this <br />Agreement upon Developer’s good faith determination that City is not negotiating diligently and <br />in good faith. Developer shall exercise such right by delivering not less than ten (10) business <br />days’ advance written notice to City describing the nature of City’s default and the termination <br />date. If City does not commence to cure the default and resume negotiations in good faith <br />within such ten (10) business day period, Developer may terminate this Agreement effective as <br />of the termination date stated in the notice. In addition, Developer shall have the right to <br />terminate this Agreement, effective upon ten (10) days’ written notice to City, if Developer <br />determines, in the exercise of Developer’s sole discretion, that the results of Developer’s <br />investigation of the Site are unsatisfactory with respect to Developer’s desired development <br />activities or if Developer is unable to obtain other necessary approvals, rights or interests. In the <br />event of termination by the Developer pursuant to this Section 5.3, City shall return the balance <br />of the Deposit to Developer, and subject to Section 5.4, neither Party shall have any further <br />rights against or liability to the other under this Agreement. <br /> <br /> 5.4 Effect of Termination. Upon the expiration of the Term as such may be extended, <br />or upon the earlier termination of this Agreement without the Parties having successfully <br />negotiated an agreement regarding development of the Site, this Agreement shall forthwith be <br />void, and there shall be no further liability or obligation on the part of either of the Parties or <br />their respective officers, employees, agents or other representatives; provided however, the <br />provisions of Section 8.1 (Studies), Section 8.2 (Access; Indemnity), Section 18 <br />(Confidentiality), and Section 22 (Indemnification) shall survive such termination. In no event <br />shall either Party have the right to seek an award of damages as a result of the termination of this <br />Agreement. <br /> <br />6. Description of the Project; Compliance with CEQA. The Parties acknowledge that the <br />Project description set forth in this Agreement is preliminary in nature and shall be described in <br />further detail in the subsequent agreement to be negotiated during the Term. The Project may <br />include a hotel, restaurant, additional amenities and additional uses that may include a <br />conference center, office space, retail and residential development. The residential component, if <br />any, will comply with all applicable state and local requirements and regulations regarding <br />inclusionary/affordable units. The Parties acknowledge that development of the Site for the <br />Project will require the grant of discretionary land use entitlements subject to the City’s normal <br />review and approval process, that the Project must comply with CEQA, and that nothing in this <br />Agreement is intended to or shall be interpreted as the grant of any approvals for development of <br />the Project or the Site, or the modification or waiver of any City procedures or requirements. <br /> <br />4 <br />1145383-7 <br /> <br />
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