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Cit~% ®f San I~.ea~~drre - Persunnel Relations Boaz~d <br />Regular Meeting off Thursday, ®ctober 16, 20®S <br />Vice-Chairperson Bill Jardin called the meeting to order in the Human Resources <br />Department Conference Room, City Ha11, 2nd Floor, 835 East 14th Street, San Leandro, <br />CA on Thursday, October 16, 2008 at 5:31 p.m. <br />Justinian Caire, Human Resources Director and Executive Secretary called the role. <br />PRESENT: Vice-Chairperson Bill Jardin, Member Adan Alonzo, Member Shirley <br />McManus and Member Hillary Van Austen. <br />ABSENT: Chairperson Kent Myers <br />There were no representatives from the public present at the meeting at this time. <br />It was MSC (Van Austen/McManus) to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of <br />July 17, 2008. The Motion carried 3 Ayes. <br />Member Adan Alonzo joined the meeting in progress at 6:35 p.m. <br />Secretary Caire indicated that staff was not recommending extending any employment <br />lists that are due to expire between the months of October 17, 2008 and January 15, 2009. <br />Secretary Caire began his report of the presented classification specifications for adoption <br />or revision. The list included the Community Services Specialist (new), Facilities <br />Maintenance Worker I (revised), Park Maintenance Worker I (revised), Street <br />Maintenance Worker I (revised) and Park Maintenance Worker III (new) under the <br />SLCEA Represented Employees category. Following a review by Secretary Caire, a brief <br />discussion was conducted by the Board. Member Van Austen pointed out some minor <br />corrections to the "Licenses/Certifications/Other Requirements" section of the <br />maintenance workers classification specifications. <br />It was MS (Van Austen/Alonzo) to approve revisions of the classification specifications <br />under the SLCEA Represented Employees category listed above, with the noted minor <br />corrections. The Motion carried 4 Ayes. <br />The Board received the Human Resources Director report which included updates on the <br />Voluntary Employees' Beneficiary Association (VEBA) Process, a healthcare funding <br />vehicle for public employees; labor negotiations with Local 21, IFPTE, AFL-CIO, San <br />Leandro Employees Association and the San Leandro Management Organization; <br />revisions to the Personnel Rules and Personnel Procedures; the Employees Benefits Fair <br />conducted on September 25th; the annual open enrollment period for full-time employees <br />