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8E Consent 2008 1103
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2008 1103
8E Consent 2008 1103
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10/31/2008 10:21:00 AM
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10/31/2008 10:20:59 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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1.7 CityProvided Data. The City will provide pertinent information reasonably available to it, <br />which is necessary for performance by Consultant under this Agreement, including <br />previous reports and data relative to the services. Consultant will use its professional <br />judgment in the review and use of data so provided. After reviewing the documents in <br />accordance with the Standard of Care established herein, Consultant shall be entitled to <br />rely on the accuracy of any reports, information and/or data furnished by the City. If <br />Consultant discovers that reports and/or information furnished by the City is inaccurate, <br />inadequate, or incomplete, Consultant will promptly notify the City. However, Consultant <br />will not be liable for any error or omission in any data, information, and/or reports furnished <br />by the City and used by Consultant other than that resulting from Consultant's negligence, <br />or in the event Consultant recognizes, or reasonably should have recognized if Consultant <br />performed in accordance with the Standard of Care, such error or omission and fails to <br />report it to the City. <br />1.8 Services During Construction. If the project involves construction of any kind, the <br />Parties agree that the City and Consultant shall be indemnified to the fullest extent <br />permitted bylaw for all claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorney's fees <br />arising out of or resulting from the construction contractor's performance of work including <br />injury to any worker on the job site except for the sole negligence of the City or Consultant, <br />Both the City and Consultant shall be named as additional primary insureds) by the <br />construction contractor's general liability and builders all risk insurance policies without <br />offset and all Construction Documents and insurance certificates shall include wording <br />acceptable to the Parties herein with reference to such provisions. <br />1.9 Construction Contractor's Means, Methods, and Safety. Consultant shall not be <br />responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures of construction <br />selected by construction contractors or the safety precautions and programs incident to the <br />work of construction contractors where construction contractors fail to carry out work in <br />accordance with the Contract Documents. <br />Section 2. COMPENSATION. City hereby agrees to pay Consultant a sum not to exceed <br />$3,763,298.00 [Three Million Seven Hundred Sixty Three Thousand Two Hundred Ninety Eight Dollars and <br />Zero Cents], notwithstanding any contrary indications that may be contained in Consultant's proposal, for <br />services to be performed and reimbursable costs incurred under this Agreement. In the event of a conflict <br />between this Agreement and Consultant's proposal, attached as Exhibit A, regarding the amount of <br />compensation, the Agreement shall prevail. City shall pay Consultant for services rendered pursuant to this <br />Agreement at the time and in the manner set forth herein. The payments specified below shall be the only <br />payments from City to Consultant for services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall <br />submit all invoices to City in the manner specified herein. Except as specifically authorized by City in <br />writing, Consultant shall not bill City for duplicate services performed by more than one person. <br />Consultant and City acknowledge and agree that compensation paid by City to Consultant under this <br />Agreement is based upon Consultant's estimated costs of providing the services required hereunder, <br />including salaries and benefits of employees and subcontractors of Consultant. Consequently, the parties <br />Consulting Services Agreement between Project No. 08-593-52-239 <br />City of San Leandro and Carollo Engineers, Inc. Page 2 <br />
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