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Interim City Manager Steve Hollister provided a brief history of the financial support by the <br />Redevelopment Agency for facade and offsite improvements. He stated that he had received a <br />letter from the Superintendent and Board Chair. He further provided a chart identifying Joint <br />Project Area current commitments to projects. He explained the financial take-away by the state <br />and the overall impact on the redevelopment agency budget. There is some concern for future <br />take-away projections. The senior center and proposed parking garage are funded projects; there <br />is a list of unfunded projects identified, which includes the gymnasium. There are simply more <br />needs than anticipated revenues. He provided a packet to the superintendent which outlined <br />previous committee highlights regarding this project; there was never a formal vote by the full <br />City Council to fund the gymnasium and campus. Mr. Hollister suggested perhaps payments <br />over time might be possible, rather than one large allocation at one time; this would be <br />dependent upon if the state was taking away future allocations in future years. <br />Board Chair Davis asked if $622,000 of redevelopment funds would be committed now and then <br />hoped to get future allocations. Mr. Hollister re-emphasized that the recommendation - <br />including alternatives -would need to be taken to the full City Council for consideration, but that <br />the City would make a strong effort to provide some support to this commitment that had been <br />discussed at prior meetings. Mr. Davis commented that the district had redesigned the campus <br />based on the City's direction and would hate to lose the funding commitment at this time. Mayor <br />Santos commented his concern that this situation had occurred. Mr. Hollister suggested that he <br />and Superintendent Lim meet on the issue and bring it back to the full City Council for <br />consideration. Board Member Cutter stated that she was encouraged by the discussion. <br />3. Discussion and Follow Up on San Leandro High School Swimming Pool <br />Superintendent Lim introduced High School Facilities Manager Greg Dyer to provide an update <br />on the status of the swimming pool Mr. Dyer had met with Supervisor Alice Lai-Bitker <br />regarding the water testing; they have requested afour-year extension with the County. They are <br />purchasing a $25,000 pump which will re-circulate the water in both pools for the four year <br />extension period. They are interested in looking into a bond for the future. Council Member <br />Grant asked for clarification regarding a delay versus an extension for the overall health and <br />maintenance of the pool. Mayor Santos noted the upcoming Measure WW for parks and <br />facilities and suggested an ad hoc committee to look at park needs should the measure pass. <br />4. Discussion Regarding Revisions to the San Leandro Municipal Code Related to <br />Nomination of School District Representatives to the Recreation and Parks Commission <br />Staff described a draft change in process for nominating representatives from the school district. <br />The nominees to the Park and Recreation Commission must be ratified by the City Council. The <br />district currently has three nominees to submit for consideration. The board members concurred <br />they agreed with the draft plan; the school board will take action on it; City staff will send a <br />letter to the SLzoUSD with the suggested changes. <br />5. Continued Discussion Regarding At-Risk Youth Program and Shape-Up San Leandro <br />