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ShorelineMarina Highlights 2008 1028
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City Council
Shoreline-Marina Committee
ShorelineMarina Highlights 2008 1028
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11/14/2008 12:01:53 PM
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11/14/2008 12:01:52 PM
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_CC Agenda 2008 1117
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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />MEMORANDUM <br />Date: October 23, 2008 <br />To: Shoreline - MarinCommittee <br />From: Steve Hollister,'~ferim City Manager <br />Via: Luke Sims, Commurrni~~ty Development Director <br />By: Cynthia BattenbergV$tisiness Development Manager <br />Subject: DISCUSSION REGARDING SELECTION COMMITTEE <br />RECOMMENDATION FOR COMPOSITION OF THE SHORELINE <br />DEVELOPMENT CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br />In June 2008, the Shoreline-Marina Committee (Committee) directed staff to create a Shoreline <br />Development Citizens Advisory Committee (Shoreline CAC) to provide -input to the City <br />Council and development team on development concepts for the Shoreline Area. To clearly <br />define the responsibility of the Shoreline CAC, the following mission statement was approved by <br />the Committee: <br />The Shoreline Development Citizens Advisory Committee's mission is to provide input to the <br />City Council and development team on a comprehensive master plan for the Shoreline area <br />that provides complementary amenities to the citizens of the City of San Leandro, connects <br />the amenities with current shoreline uses, recognizes the development value of this desirable <br />regional location and how commercial development can fund public amenities and services, <br />addresses logical phasing of development, requires little or no City investment, and results in <br />a Shoreline which is self supporting. <br />The outreach process included press releases, City Corner advertisements, and notices to all City <br />Board and Commissioners, homeowner associations, business associations, and religious <br />organizations. <br />Sixty-six applications were received - 63 by the September 29`h deadline, and 3 after the <br />deadline. The applicant names were forwarded to the City Council in early September, and <br />copies of the applications were forwarded to the Selection Committee, consistirig of Mayor <br />Santos and Councilmember Starosciak. The Selection Committee met on October 2nd .and <br />reviewed the applications with the goal of having city-wide representation, new and long term <br />residents, men and women, families, individuals who have participated in City committees <br />before and people who want to get involved, and stakeholders from the various interest groups. <br />In order to obtain feedback from youth, the opportunity to participate in the Shoreline CAC was <br />presented to the Youth" Advisory Commission (YAC) at its October 6th meeting. No YAC <br />members have expressed interest or submitted an application to date. Staff will continue to work <br />with the YAC to identify a youth who can provide input on development. <br />
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